What is the best way a bpd person can deal with rejection from people when you h!

Question: and tried your best with someone ?

Answers: and tried your best with someone ?

You tried to the best of your ability, it's not your fault because you have a disorder that influences how you act sometimes, don't blame yourself as it doesn't help, just keep chipping away at it in any way you can.

Try and realise that if you reject and hurt people with your comments - they are very likely to do it back!

Oh and dont thumb down every comment you dont want to hear!!
I have tried very hard to sympathise with you before now - every time you absolutely slated me - whats to say I dont live with depression and dont need to be put down??

Get over it. It's life I'm afraid.

There will always be people who reject you. For reasons you might not even be aware of. Maybe they don't like your smell, or you look like their ex, there's a world of reasons - you can't please everybody.

But if you walk away saying, "Hey, I did my best" there's no reason you should feel lesser or bad.

Shake it off, keep moving. It's a life lesson and how you respond now, will help you deal in the future.

Good luck.

I am myself Borderline PD. I understand your problem. The best is to EXPLAIN your disorder to your friends and relative. If they are truly caring, they should understand, and look into the disorder and way to behave/react around you when in crisis (there's plenty of books and website about it; I found www.mind.org.uk the best). If they can't/won't understand, then they are not worth being around.
Best of luck

Regardless of your mental health, it happens every day, you know myself and what I share in common with you. But the biggest part of some one rejecting me is how I'll end up actually rejecting myself, not knowing it at the time, but think of all the thoughts that race through your mind..... we're our own worst enemy. We always have the need to HAVE to be accepted by every one all the time, but reality totally goes against that, it just takes us a lot longer to see that and then to understand it as well... Good Luck

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