How do you talk sense into an alcoholic???!

Question: My sister is an alcoholic. She is only 24 and I am very concerned about her. She has been pulled over more times than I can count for drunk driving but the police always let her go. They make her call someone to pick her up- they dont ticket her or arrest her or anything. She has damaged her vehicle on 2 seperate occasions while driving drunk. She has not been in wrecks, but she has drove off the road or over a curb or into standing objects and has done some pretty serious damage. I can't seem to talk any sense into her. She gets very defensive and says we "don't understand her". I'm so worried she is going to hurt herself or someone else! Any advice or words of wisdom from someone that has dealt with a similar situation? I just dont know if there is anything I could say that would even get thru to her. She has been doing this for years...way before she was even old enough to drink. Please help if you can... Thanks.

Answers: My sister is an alcoholic. She is only 24 and I am very concerned about her. She has been pulled over more times than I can count for drunk driving but the police always let her go. They make her call someone to pick her up- they dont ticket her or arrest her or anything. She has damaged her vehicle on 2 seperate occasions while driving drunk. She has not been in wrecks, but she has drove off the road or over a curb or into standing objects and has done some pretty serious damage. I can't seem to talk any sense into her. She gets very defensive and says we "don't understand her". I'm so worried she is going to hurt herself or someone else! Any advice or words of wisdom from someone that has dealt with a similar situation? I just dont know if there is anything I could say that would even get thru to her. She has been doing this for years...way before she was even old enough to drink. Please help if you can... Thanks.

Unfortunately, there's no such thing as "talking sense into an alcoholic". Your sister is obviously in denial about her drinking. She might not even consider it a problem. Until SHE admits there's a problem, there's not a lot you can do. I can also suggest you attend an Al-Anon meeting. This will give you some insight on your sister you may not have now. SHE'S the only person that can "make" herself stop drinking.

Find something where they show the victims of drunk driving, like little kids who were killed by drunk drivers. Or have a mother talk to her whose child was killed.

You must go to Alanon they will help you know what to do

You can't talk sense to an alcoholic. All you can do is love the person while you hate the disease. Get yourself into an Alanon group and learn how to deal with the situation.

First of all..where do you live that the cops will just let drunk drivers get off free and clear?! That's absurd. Drunk driving is a serious offense. canno make someone change unless they want to change. Tell her she needs to go to rehab or you won't be in contact with her until she changes. Sometimes you need to scare people into doing something. If she thinks she's going to lose you or other family members, maybe that will convince her to change!

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