How to get a loved one to accept they have bi-polar disorder?!

Question: I have a family member who has all of the symptoms of being bipolar but does not want to accept it or take any medications. im afraid he is going to hurt somone or himself. he can not work, does any one know of any treatmnet options for the disabled? he can not work becuase he is not mentally healthy. he cries and freaks out for no reason.

Answers: I have a family member who has all of the symptoms of being bipolar but does not want to accept it or take any medications. im afraid he is going to hurt somone or himself. he can not work, does any one know of any treatmnet options for the disabled? he can not work becuase he is not mentally healthy. he cries and freaks out for no reason.

If he isn't diagnosed, write down everything you observe that concerns you then go to the doctor with him to report and discuss your concerns about his behaviour. If and/or when he is diagnosed with bipolar, unless you are his court-appointed guardian, he doesn't have to follow doctor's instructions. Non-compliant bipolars usually get so disordered they end up being taken to hospital, becoming stabilized on medication, released, and then going off meds and becoming unstable again. My family member doesn't want to take meds either, but prefers to self-medicate with alcohol. Maybe he could relate to the symptoms if he saw it dramatized in a movie, like Patty Duke's story. However, if it is bipolar, like schzophrenia and other biochemically based mental illness, it is a lifelong struggle. It's best to get yourself help by consulting a bipolar support group and find health professionals with expertise in that mental illness. Best wishes.

you cant. never will be able to. they've got to accept it themselves, you cant make anyone do anything

Have they been diagnosed by a psychiatrist?

If not, then you cannot claim he has it, and he cannot be expected to believe it.

ask britney

My son is the same way. I was told to get him to write his thoughts down.Also puzzles for him to put together helps releives some stress.Try to get him to go to a bipolar meeting even if you have to go with hin to let him know he is not alone.

I haven't got a complete answer but wanted to offer you encouragement and sympathy.

I know serotonin boosting 5-HTP amino acid supplements work well for depressed people.

Its hard to convince somebody else of a problem like that. The condition works against the rational realization of the problem. Especially coming from others - it sounds like a hassle like another problem having somebody worried. But gently expressing it and time for that to digest with the person are the path I've seen work in my limited experience. The person needs their own "bottom" or epiphany to commit to change, to want change. The 5-HTP won't send them into manic like other treatments can but will lift them off a bottom and reduce anger in a lot of people so it can be helpful to get the person on the right track and become more open to more drastic treatments.

I'm not a doctor or professional, just have some personal experiences to draw from. Best luck to you.

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