OCD and Social Anxiety?!

Question: Hi there.

I've suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder since I was a child. As long as I can remember. I struggle daily with some of the rituals I have to carry out and it's really distressing. I really want to know though - do you find that a lot of people fake having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or really don't understand it at all?

I have a friend who thinks they have OCD and say that they do things which are caused by their OCD, however, these things that they "do" just aren't OCD at all. I have many people that have said to me "Oh yeah, I have that as well." and to a degree, I think everyone does have OCD, like when you get a song lyric stuck in your head for ages.

I also wanted to ask - for those in the UK. Does anyone know any over the counter medication that I could take for OCD and Social Anxiety Disorder or will I have to see my doctor?

Answers: Hi there.

I've suffered from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder since I was a child. As long as I can remember. I struggle daily with some of the rituals I have to carry out and it's really distressing. I really want to know though - do you find that a lot of people fake having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or really don't understand it at all?

I have a friend who thinks they have OCD and say that they do things which are caused by their OCD, however, these things that they "do" just aren't OCD at all. I have many people that have said to me "Oh yeah, I have that as well." and to a degree, I think everyone does have OCD, like when you get a song lyric stuck in your head for ages.

I also wanted to ask - for those in the UK. Does anyone know any over the counter medication that I could take for OCD and Social Anxiety Disorder or will I have to see my doctor?

I am on anti-axiety medication and it works wonders (with the help of therapy too) for my OCD and social anxiety disorder. My social anxiety disoder used to cripple me. Now I live my life and I cannot be any happier!! Talk to your doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist about these concerns and I guarantee you that you will feel better.

No, there is no over the counter medication for these things.

u should speak to a doctor they can get u what u need over the counter stuff dont work as well

Sadly there are no over the counter medications for the 'treatment' of Social Anxiety Disorder. What you have to realise is that such mental disorders (not meant in a negative way at all) cannot be dealt with alone; you must seek proper medical advice and support. For a sufferer of Social anxiety the harsh reality is that it will never go away. It will always be a long process of learning to cope and adapt to the situations which aggravate those feelings of anxiety.

As for the OCD (or any other mental disorder for that matter), your symptoms must be persistent and chronic according to the set criteria stated in the DSM ## before you can be clinically described as having that condition. At the end of the day, we all have certain 'tendencies' but that does not mean we are obessive-compulsive. Be careful not to get bogged down by reading heavily into things because you may find that you've got at least 50 other illnesses!! :-p

Hey, Well i too suffer from OCD and have done for many years. I find the same problem as you describe whereby many people now use the term to describe anything they find 'addcitive' I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety as well as depression so the medication i take covers all those things- Prozac. I am not very clued up on other medicines available, especially over the counter. But as far as the anxiety/OCD goes i can strongly recommend looking into Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. I found this to be a huge help and i am quite a sceptic! Good Luck on your quest for answers =)

i can understand the struggle because i have been diagnosed by a DOCTOR that i have ocd and not by MYSELF. i dont usually tell people i barely know that i have the disorder because of what they would think and how they would judge me
i have one friend who always says "Im so OCD" because she has to have 7 hair elastics on her wrists, but frankly ive seen her without 7 hair elastics on her wrists and she is fine

i heard that omega 3 acids help but i have not seen a difference with my obsessions since i tried that

i go to therapy twice a week and take anxiety medications everyday and i swear by them.. without them i get so anxious and because i have a germ obsession, the meds and therapy almost convince me that i am not as germy as i think

meds are a nice getaway from the disorder but i try not to take them every single day because of the risk of addiction, but try talking to your doctor if you want treatment from this Obsessive ritual filled hell

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