How do you cure anxiety... *instantly*!?!

Question: I've found lots of answers on how to relieve anxiety and and stress, but is there any known way to INSTANTLY stop an anxiety attack, like right then and there?

Answers: I've found lots of answers on how to relieve anxiety and and stress, but is there any known way to INSTANTLY stop an anxiety attack, like right then and there?

deep slow breathing and positive thinking at the same time, such as what a great person you really are, and how people (I am sure there are some?) really like you for some of your qualities, and what you did that was good at some of your other jobs. Also, if no one is looking, some not too noticeable stretching. Make sure you haven't had too much caffeine that morning. Cammomile tea?? The best thing for an interview is to make sure you are prepared, and then you have nothing to be anxious about! Also, don't be afraid to accept the fact that you are a human being and you have a perfect right to be nervous at times. People that are too smooth and charming when it is not appropriate are kind of annoying anyway, I find! So what if you appear a little nervous - it just makes you part of the human race in the end.
One more thing - try this - splash your face with cold water for the heart beat thing if it doesn't slow down. I was told this by a heart specialist,when my heart wouldn't slow down one time. It might help and it certainly wouldn't hurt.

Smoke some pot. Im not kidding.

sorry. anxiety can't be cured at all. and definitely you can't have control of it to stop having an attack instantly. if you find out how to "cure" bipolar disorder you should definitely get back to me. home remedies are a waste for mental disorders. go to the doctor.

You get anxiety because your expectation and your outcome are too far apart. This is called dissonance. Set realistic expectation for yourself and you will have a good outcome. Anxiety may also be a chemical brain imbalance.

You cant instantly sure it.
And pot may just make you feel worse depending on your mood and the environment youre in.

masturbation LMAO

smoke some weed. it'll chill you out

(no joke)

or booze

Probably not. Anxiety has taken you a life-time to build up (the pattern of how you get anxious) so stopping it in its tracks isn't so simple. However, here's the best possibilities (oh and don't smoke weed, whatever others say - it's much more likely to make you paranoid and even more anxious).

1. Do something physically - really exert yourself, run, saw wood, punch a punch-bag, or whatever. You need to get your heart rate raised a good deal and your breathing up considerably. And keep it going for 15-20 minutes. This works because the neurochemical that is created when you are anxious is the one that prepares us for "fight or flight" - in other words, considerable physical activity - and it needs to be dispersed by the activity it prepared you for.
2. If you can't do that for whatever reason at the time (do it as soon as you can, else the anxiety will soon be back) do some very controlled breathing - breathe in very slowly to the count of ten, hold for two or three seconds, breathe out very slowly to the count of 15, hold it for two or three seconds, repeat for at least five breaths.
3. Connect to something really soothing and lovely. This needs to be prepared beforehand. Put some time and energy, when you're feeling good, in to imagining a place where you feel absolutely calm - walking by the sea, at the top of a mountain, whatever does it for you. When you feel completely relaxed, make a physical gesture - eg join your thumbs and middle fingers on both hands - and hold it for a while. Practise doing this frequently and then, when you get an anxiety attack, make your gesture and the feeling that was associated with it will come back. Again, you need to the physical activity bit as soon as you can.

I hope you're asking this merely as an adjunct to doing the real work towards freeing yourself of this troubling anxiety, and not because you believe in 'instant cures' without hard work!

EDIT: Ah, right, the before-interview anxiety - I would suggest that for the week before the interview you practice the 3rd suggestion I've made, so that you can take yourself to a calm place easily, and perhaps do that after you've spent a minute or two doing the 2nd suggestion (breathing). If, earlier, you can get some good exercise, you might find that the anxiety is easier to manage. But don't forget that often a bit of anxiety before an interview (I do mean a bit, not being a jibbering wreck) can help you perform really well.

anxiety is something that takes time to get under control.. there is no quick fix.. sorry..

i recommend seeing a psychiatrist and getting their opinion.. they may be able to suggest medications if needed or alternatives to medications if you would like.. and talk therapy is very beneficial.. the best thing about a therapist is that they don't know you.. therefore they don't have any personal opinions towards you.. so you get honest, unbiased help..

one of the best depression/anxiety relievers i can recommend is exercise.. it takes your focus off what's bothering you, releases that nervous energy, and hey it's just good in general.. exercise also releases serotonin, dopamine and a few other nuerotransmitters in your brain.. serotonin helps you sleep and dopamine is related to pleasure and happiness.. those chemicals i just mentioned are the ones that your brain lacks when depressed/anxious.. exercise helps to balance them.. this has been clinically proven to work faster and longer than medication.. simply taking a twenty minute walk each day could really help..

exercise also releases endorphins.. the body's natural pain killers.. this is related to "runner's high"..

other than exercise you could try deep breathing, muscle relaxation techniques, meditation, yoga, listening to music, writing in a journal, or talking to a friend about it.. i also drink ungodly amounts of tea.. haha..

get a good social support network.. talk to a friend or family member about how you feel..

take time out for yourself each day.. to just reflect, relax, and settle your thoughts.. do things that relax you and that you enjoy..

warm milk also helps to produce serotonin.. so maybe drinking a glass before you go to sleep may help..

try to get at least an hour of sunlight each day.. this also helps to balance your brain chemistry and produces serotonin..

when you feel youself getting anxious concentrate on your breathing.. just keep a steady inhale and exhale.. in through your nose and out through your mouth.. this will help to calm your heart rate and hopefully help you relax a bit..

eat a healthy diet.. and drink lots of water..

i really hope this helps.. and best of luck..

Go to your medical doctor and explain your anxiety to him/her. They can always put you on a non addictive med like Buspar. If your are having anxiety right before job interviews, tend to one your thinking that you might suck at the job interview, blow it, or they won't like you. You would be suprised how your feelings control your thoughts. You need to tell yourself starting the night before "I will do great" or "They are going to love me" something positive because anxiety is caused by negative thinking. I would encourage you to go see a psychologist and work with them on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This therapy had worked wonders and is 97% effective for anxiety. Even if you do go on drugs, the drugs will take the edge off, but you need to learn to cope when your not on them and for the rest of your life.

you can't cure it permanently but try focusing on something and stop thinking about everything, watch the hands on a clock tick for a minute and breathe to the beat.

There's no magic wand that instantly cures anxiety. Just think of something else, and try to be natural.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" I asked.

Treating a problem caused by chemicals by adding more chemicals.

It doesn't sound right.

But what choice do you have?


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