Why do I keep having de ja vu?!

Question: Over the last few weeks I have had loads of de ja vu's, and its starting to freak me out. Even to the point I have been doing the washing, then smelt a weird smell and I knew that I been here before and I knew that someone was going to walk in the door (It wasnt a smelly person), and they did. I have had 15 -20 in the last few weeks. What is going on? This isnt a joke question im seriously freaked out..

Answers: Over the last few weeks I have had loads of de ja vu's, and its starting to freak me out. Even to the point I have been doing the washing, then smelt a weird smell and I knew that I been here before and I knew that someone was going to walk in the door (It wasnt a smelly person), and they did. I have had 15 -20 in the last few weeks. What is going on? This isnt a joke question im seriously freaked out..

This may sound bizarre, but, I have had Deja' Vu severely for years, and about 2 years ago I had some deja vu and I remembered that it was a dream I had when I was a kid. Deja' Vu is French for things already been seen. So my theory on Deja' Vu personally, is dreams that I have had before that are coming true...I know, I know, sounds silly, but it's my theory. Good luck to you.

Don't be freaked out; it's a very interesting phenomenon and not in any way a health problem...

I think you might be a superhero! :O


It is caused by a glitch in the Matrix.
It happens whenever a change is implemented in the program.

i answered this yesterday

You may be experiencing absence or partial seizures. Not all seizures involve loss of consciousness or convulsions. Increased frequency/intensity of deja vu like experiences are often reported in folks with undiagnosed seizure activity.

You would be wise to see a neurologist at your earliest convenience.

this is really neat, a gift perhaps or just an illness i would speak to your doctor if i were you. well not really but that's the advice i have lol. its actually really neat. you could video tape it exploit it make money and have a blast

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