Is it posible to physically stress someone by words?!

Question: if their is a way how is it done?

Answers: if their is a way how is it done?

It sure is possible. Negative words, critical words, pessimistic words that detroy hope, and abusive words, threats, anger, etc. all mentally stress most people out. Thoughts have a powerful effect on feelings (they are intimately connected) and powerful negative feelings can have a negative effect physically and mentally on people. Read Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. It is a fabulous book. He cites wonderful research on exactly that topic, among others. Sometimes we can't avoid negative comments from people. But we have to train ourselves to let those thoughts "slide off" our minds like teflon. And, of course, avoid people like that. Take care.

probably mentally but not physically...

I would think so.

hehe by saying : STRESS UP!

Of course. Most stress is caused by what we and others say.

The only way I know of to accomplish this is to continue to pummel them with idiotic questions. It is best to use some sort of electronic medium, maybe a large Q & A message forum where you can post insanely irritating questions.

It will work, trust me.

Yes. Mental abuse causes all different kinds of physical symptoms. It also depends on the person. For example, if they have anxiety, depression, suicidal, saying mean or nasty things to them certainly doesn't help.

actually yes there is, idk how it is done, but it can be done

yes by using complicated words everytime you can, they won't have a clue about what you are talking about.

yes its called verbal abuse

Yes, listening to a nagging person can definitely cause physical stress. It can give someone a headache, or make them feel anxious to the point of getting a stomachache or even just feeling a general malaise.

yesits call bullying, once the mind is stressed the body follows...

think of brainwashing leading to physical exhaustion

this is why alot of sportsmen try to pyche each other out

Well emotional stress can cause physical stress. That's way you can tell when someone is depressed. It takes a toll on their body. So yes, if you or someone said something really mean to someone else, to the point where it hurt them really badly, it could physically hurt them. Not to mention, many times when someone is hurt, you may see a physical reaction, which is crying.

whether or not you could do such a thing, would depend on the other person's ability to cope with stressors, not on you or what you might say.

This happens to me every day, the woman opposite me at work makes me want to cut my ears off. It is a mixture of many things, she has a very annoying voice, she has a horrible laugh and laughs at everthing I say, and she is really boring.

Basically if someone doesn't like you then talking to them for an extended period of time will cause them a lot of stress.

Yes well if you say some thing that will affect them so much mentally that it can start to affect them physically some time people can get sick from word because them affect them so much

I am sure there is, any large amount of stress (by words/mentally) will take a toll on a person and can lead them to a break down.

Yes it happens alot in school there is a very top student kids start picking on him his grades start going down its happened 2 times before and ive seen it. and im in 7th grade

edit OHHHHHHHHHHHH physicaly haha embarasing well no not really mabe if you would hurt yourself

Yes, anything you say to someone can stress them out. Mental stress takes a toll on our bodies physically in many ways. Saying something mean to them, scaring them, exciting them, etc can all cause stress.

Yes. And why do you want to know how it's done? Please don't tell me you're looking for ways to get at someone.

Actually, a person can suffer mental and /or emotional stress which eventually can cause physical stress. Any kind of stress can make a person sick. If you know someone who is having problems, they need to decompress. Exercise, meditation.......find something to help them relax and shut off the thoughts that are bothering them. Sometimes a headset and some soothing music and deep breathing can help.

of course. You have heard of people having a heart attack during a stressful situation such as a fight.

One way is to deliver a threat to the person with a real outcome they'd rather avoid and they know you could (and might believably) deliver on. Like a boss threatening to fire someone or threatening to take something away they enjoy. To do so could be illegal in some circumstances, and is definitely evil if you do this just to cause stress to someone.

The amount it causes depends on how they CHOOSE to REACT to the situation, good coping skills and life outlook.

Try being mean and saying mean things. But the down side is then you will feel like crap, if you are a feeling person.

you mean can youverbally abuse people only creeps do that people like that are rubbish

Stress is a physical reaction, as well as mental...even if the stress is merely words. The body goes through very measurable changes when the person is stressed. Cortisol levels go up, blood pressure goes up, digestive changes, sleep disruptions, reduced immunity, etc.

For short periods of time, such changes are fairly harmless. But if the stress goes on for any length of time (such as a hostile work environment or abusive relationship) OR a specific situation was especially upsetting and the person can't get it out of his/her mind, the physiologic changes are harmful to your health.

yes dearie,....
It depends upon whom you're attempting to motivate to experience the stress.
Whether this individual is sensitive to specific issues, feelings, depends on how well you know them.

As they say "pushing someone's buttons", when you push the right buttons - that will provoke some kind of response. But what kind of response, isn't always what you might expect.

The individual may impose the stress on themselves in some way, to fester and smolder - which they may resolve later or act upon.
If the individual decides to act upon the stress that they are under, well the result may vary from doing something stupid to them selves or doing something stupid to - someone, most often the one who instigated the stress in the first place.

It isn't considered wise to aggravate someone with violent tendencies, also it isn't wise to aggravate & insult the quiet ones too, just because the quiet ones tend to plan their revenge very very carefully. They don't like to get mad easily, but they often do get even.

I hope you don't plan to piss-off the wrong person, it could get expensive or in some instances, rather painful.

cheers babe
happy newie year!!!!

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