I've been feeling?!

Question: I've been feeling depressed and like crying for no reason i'm a virgin, and i'm 14 what's wrong with me?

Answers: I've been feeling depressed and like crying for no reason i'm a virgin, and i'm 14 what's wrong with me?

yeah, just lonely. its hormones. fun stuff, but itll pass. a boyfriend wouldnt be a bad thing

puberty, take it easy , you will be ok... enjoy the youth , it dont last !! Tanks TT

You're human. The world is cruel.

you need to get out more.

Get help fast.

Puberty its natural.

Puberty. Your close to your period probably. Welcome to being a women....not all that its cracked up to be. lol.

could be horomones

Beign a virgin is NOT your problem,,

Your 14, THATS your problem,
If it doesnt go away in a fe weeks,, you need to consult your parents, to consult a doctor

You are a teenager going through puberty. No worries, it's normal.

I agree with the first person. You are just experiencing puberty.

Puberty, it will get worse before it gets better!

And it will get better, that I promise you. Just try not to let everything pile up on those shoulders of yours. You will be OK!

uhhhh i think its good ur a virgin when ur 14... christ is it bad now days that chicks are virgins at 14!!! christ!!

Are you on your period?

You're a teenager. You have hormones. Simple as that. And at 14, I'd HOPE you were a virgin. What's that have to do with anyway? If you continue to feel depressed, I'd see a counselor or doctor.

Virginity has nothing to do with feeling down so don't even go there! You probably miss your freinds and school. Things will be back to normal Monday :)

you are depressed XD

Nothing your 14 being a virgin is a good thing.

yes it just puberty.....ur hormones are goin crazy right now...so crying its ok,,,at least ur not killing anyone and not being mean to ur family...i was crying a lot too, when was goin through it...just give it some time and be patient

why did we need 2 kno u were a virgin?????

your hormones are racing at the moment and your feelings are all over the place it will settle down soon and you will be ok

find some one.......


well nothing is wrong with you - im glad your a virgin but too much information.

Youre hormonal - its normal for your age. Maybe you should go and see a counselor.

(Not having sex has nothing to do with being sad - you have plenty of time to make that mistake with the wrong guy and feel sad! just kidding, not really though)

Probably just hormones, talk to a friend about it and you'll probably find out they are going through something quite similar. It's not unusual, dont worry.

lol at the people being unhelpful. I would say hormones. Mood swings or whatever. mmm yeah try to be around people more that usually helps (:

Could be a lot of things: puberty, actual depression, "that time of the month". If it has already or eventually lasts longer than a week or two, talk to a trusted adult. Depression is serious, and you might need treatment.

youl get better its just your age, unless something is going on in your life? being a virgin at 14 is normal! do something fun to cheer urself up!

nothing it's wrong...smile u are so young!
u have the whole life in front of u...u have health,and if u have it u have everything
about the cries...well,u are in the teen years it's normal don't worry!quite soon the cries will become only a memory!^^

S A D ~ Seasonal Affective Disorder. Get some "LIGHT" therapy.

What does being a virgin have anything to do with crying and feeling depressed. At 14, you are most likely experience some hormone changes, Hope it gets better, but you need to talk to your parents or a counclor.

you need a partner.

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