Does any one else struggle with anxiety keeping them up at night?!

Question: I've come to the realization that I have an anxiety disorder. I haven't been diagnosed, but I'm willing to put money on it. I've always been anxious, and now I can't sleep at night some times because my mind continues to race. I worry about the most exaggerated of possibilities - dying of a disease, losing people I love, worrying about my looks, worrying about getting older, etc etc etc. I'm sure these are normal things to think about from time to time, but they seem to creep in with me a lot. I feel like I'm borderline hypochondriac....not full because I don't actually BELIEVE I have a disease, I'm just afraid of everything.

Answers: I've come to the realization that I have an anxiety disorder. I haven't been diagnosed, but I'm willing to put money on it. I've always been anxious, and now I can't sleep at night some times because my mind continues to race. I worry about the most exaggerated of possibilities - dying of a disease, losing people I love, worrying about my looks, worrying about getting older, etc etc etc. I'm sure these are normal things to think about from time to time, but they seem to creep in with me a lot. I feel like I'm borderline hypochondriac....not full because I don't actually BELIEVE I have a disease, I'm just afraid of everything.

It's absolutely normal to think about these things; especially when tired and/or depressed. However, it's not normal to think about them all of the time and especially not if they keep you awake at night.

It's, of course, a psychological problem and I'd suggest going to see a doctor about it. He may recommend CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy).

Good luck!

Yes, my mind races at night....but it can also be fairly productive as I work out a lot of issues and organize my goals and schedule. But when you just want to turn it off, especially when it's the non-productive chatter you are talking about, try slow breathing and telling the voice within to quiet down and be still and tell your heart to be calm....I say it over and over and the next thing I know, it's morning. Good luck.

Soak in a hot tub with lavender oil.
Try drinking chamomile tea with a little honey at bedtime.
Take approx 300 mg magnesium, 600 mg calcium and vitamin D3 right before you go to sleep.
Maybe leave a radio on low for background noise to take your mind off things. I know when I have dead silence my mind wonders out of control.
And try to not think about things.

For the ance try taking vitamin C, E and zinc and selenium.

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