Can u help me with Self harm?!

Question: I self harm and I think I have become addicted. I cut everyday more then once. I'm not telling my parents or anyone in my family. I'm not telling my friends either. I just want 2 know how I can control it? I don't want 2 stop cutting. I just don't want 2 cut 3-5times a day. How do I take it down to maybe 2times a day? Please no rude anwers, try and be nice. No calling me stupid or emo.

Answers: I self harm and I think I have become addicted. I cut everyday more then once. I'm not telling my parents or anyone in my family. I'm not telling my friends either. I just want 2 know how I can control it? I don't want 2 stop cutting. I just don't want 2 cut 3-5times a day. How do I take it down to maybe 2times a day? Please no rude anwers, try and be nice. No calling me stupid or emo.

Talk 2 ur sister more when u want 2 cut. If u really want to cut down on the cutting u need 2 find what is making u want 2 cut so much. I think u are addicted u said u have 2 cut everyday. Take a pen and draw red lines on ur skin, put a rubber band around ur arm, I heard this help. They have never helped me tho. I also self harm.

you need a hobby to get rid of or reduce your addiction.

i would advise help but you obviously dont want it, so just get a hobby you really love to "harm" yourself less.

Ultimately, the only way to address it is to get to the bottom
of what is causing you to self harm. This takes courage,
time, and effort.

That means telling somebody about it and getting some
help with it.

Other than that, you need to substitute some other behavior
that is healthier than that, for the self harming behavior.

I don't think you're stupid at all, and am sorry you
are suffering. You do need to find
somebody you trust to talk to, as it's not going away on it's own.

That's like a heroin addict asking: "How can I go back to occasional skin popping?" See self harm, in section 16, at where there are many resources, links, and info.

I can't believe you're asking for help to cut yourself less..... get some serious help, self mutilation is a serious case, you may have to talk to your parents like it or not... or maybe even talk to a school counselor/support group.

ok.. well first of all . to be honest. this si not my opion but a fact.. there is a reason you are doing this.correct??? i think you need to get to the root of that so that you do not continue to harm yourself.

you should speak to friends or /and family members and seek professional help. I am sure by now someone has noticed and you will not be able to hide this.

I wish you luck in finding yourself.. I hope you seek the help you need

I'm manic-depressive and use to cut myself when I was younger. The best advice I can give you is talk to a pschiatrist or someone you trust to help you quit this habit. If you're in school, talk to the counselor, but be sure for them to not tell your parents. You do need help, professional help.

This is often a sign of a disorder called obsessive compulsive disorder with Torrets syndrome mixed in. Often ocd and torretts syndrome people will hurt themselves. You need medical help. Also, there is a law of nature that tells us that either a person will talk something out, or they will act it out. there is no secret that doesn't eventually come out in someone's behavior. Often times when people do self hurt, they have been abused, most often sexually. and the self hurt actually somehow helps people feel better about the abuse.
Have you suffered abuse at the hands of someone else.
Talk to me if you need help

Obviously you are not serious about getting help due to the fact that you said you don't want to stop cutting you just want to do it less.

Sorry but I have no advice for you at this stage. However when you are ready to stop cutting write back and I will be more than happy to give you some words of advice and encouragement.

By the way - cutting is serious and not something you voluntarily decide to just casually cut back on. I don't think you understand this illness. People that are truly addicted to cutting are seriously unwell, need medication and learning techniques to get life back on track. Your question is very casual and I find it hard to take you seriously.

Oh sweetie you have some deep issues(I know I have been there) Please I urge you to seek help. Please ..heres a good confidenial hotline for teens and prettens call The Boys Town National Hotline, 1-800-448-3000 it is a 24-hour crisis, resource and referral line for teens.

Everyone's really different. I have a friend who hasn't self injured in over 6 years, and she decided to stop one day basically just to spite her therapist. Other friends of mine, myself included, set out on a lot of different methods and still struggle.
Here are some ideas, they may or may not work, but here it goes:
- "Limit" yourself to twice a day (not that I'm condoning self injury at all). If you cut two times or one time or not at all, reward yourself! Make a paper award, treat yourself to some Starbucks, indulge in something that makes you really happy. Be selfish! :) As a side note, don't punish yourself if you go over your "limit." Punishing yourself will only perpetuate feelings of guilt and shame, will likely lead to more self injury, and besides.. it's been clinically proven that reward is more effective than punishment when changing behavior.
- Get a calendar, perhaps a small planner type, that only you can see. Make a tally mark for how many times you've self injured each day. Sometimes it helps to see it in those terms and can motivate you; you won't have to mark it down if you don't do it.
- ONLY IF YOU FEEL SAFE ENOUGH: for a while, I kept a safety pin with me at all times. I had a friend who kept razor blades in her pocket. Having the razor, lighter, whatever can give you a feeling of safety. You have it with you.. you can self injure whenever you want.. so just put it off for two minutes. Then two more minutes after that. This helped me stop self inuring for 5 months (my record.. short, I know, but it's something!!) but only try this if you know you won't pull out the razor or whatever you have and cut even more often. You're the only one who knows if this is something that might help, so be honest with yourself.
- I know you don't want to tell anyone, but it really does help to have a personal cheerleader on your side. If you ever feel comfortable enough to tell anyone, explain to them that you are trying to get it under control and tell them exactly what you need them to do for you.
- If you have to, distract yourself. Self injury is often impulsive and if you can get yourself through the urge for just 20 minutes, you might feel better and not do it. Go for a walk, or run really, really fast if that's what gets it out of your system. Bake a cake (I did this one weekend.. I baked 5 dozen cookies and made 2 cakes, it worked quite well actually). Squeeze a stress ball while you talk to someone on the phone. Do homework at the library or somewhere you can't easily self injure. Activities that engage your muscles, make you tired/calm you down, or require a lot of brain power usually serve as good distractors.
- ONLY IF YOU FEEL SAFE ENOUGH: Fake it. If you fake it using a real razor blade, this could turn out being dangerous because all it takes is flipping the razor over and you're cutting. Anyway, I had a friend who did this, and I thought I'd pass it along even though she primarily burned herself. The idea is that you can still experience the emotional build-up and release even without actually hurting yourself because your body and mind have been conditioned to respond a certain way through the self injurious behavior. Faking it can essentially trick your brain. "Cut" with the side of the razor blade that's not sharp, or the round end of a safety pin. Draw on your arm with a fine tip red pen (don't push down too hard, you can actually hurt yourself). Go through the motions, however it is you typically self injure, but don't actually hurt yourself.
- I'm personally not a big fan of this, because the behavior actually is/can be self injurious, but I've had friends who found it helpful to snap themselves with rubber bands or sqeeze ice cubes when the wanted to self injure. Again, I'm not a fan, but it did help them.
- Write about it. Sometimes writing about the feelings or thoughts you're having can provide enough of a release that the urge to self injure is much easier to manage.

I hope some of this was helpful.
Kudos to you for taking reasonable steps toward your health. I also think not expecting yourself to stop all of the sudden is excellent.
Stay safe, and good luck! :)

P.S. Other advice? Don't listen to anyone saying you're not serious about getting better or controlling the self injury because you don't want to stop completely. From the sound of your question, you know yourself very well and are in touch with what you need right now. That is so great. Trying to make yourself stop cold turkey can backfire very, very badly (I tried that... it ended with a bathroom covered in blood). Keep being honest and realistic. A lot of people are telling you see a psychologist and that can definitely be helpful and probably should happen somewhere down the line, but take this all at your own pace. You probably know if you have symptoms of bipolar disorder, OCD, or Tourette's. Seeking help for these things is wonderful and could do you a lot of help, but it won't matter a lick if you go and aren't ready.

It sounds like you have yourself on the right path already. Keep it up. :)

I think that you need to do other things in your life rather then thinking about self harming yourself.

trust me , when you keep occupied you won't have time to think about self harming,

I really hope you take this into consideration.

if you want to talk email.

Have a good day

You need to get evaluated. You are probably bipolar. You need medication and therapy to help you with your cutting.

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