How do you BREAK the Taboo which has been with us since the Middle Ages about Wo!


How do you BREAK the Taboo which has been with us since the Middle Ages about Women's Birthing Circle ?

Neophytes of Birth can participate in this. Unfortunately, I am not asking the people who want to maintain their preference in believing babies come through walls. Whatever your marked experience, it is not relevant here because I am only asking People who believe the World may not be Flat after all. Most Men and Women do not know what I am talking about - but it exists the Big Circle of a Birthing Woman. If only Women knew how OPENED they became through the wonderful workings of their Bodies, they would not be scared to swim. They would not tear, if only they knew one thing, but I am not allowed to tell. No, I got censored on French yahoo, for telling & showing my compatriots a 3D animation of the Beautiful rythms of the vaginal canal. So much for my Country with the highest episiotomy rate in the World, whose psyche I touched obviously when proving 'humbly' that the World is Round and Coronation beheadings are tantamount to medieval Times complete with plying to the master's Right(!)

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2 months ago
I have asked this question in another category. Your answers are very interesting. I am not a mystic when it comes to Birth. I believe in respect, no matter How the Woman births.
If anything is hypocritical, it is to make Women believe in 'nonsense': a Woman, giving Birth is so vulnerable & open to suggestions that it is TRULY the methods AND the measure of accorded respect of the Birth Assistants which in MOST CASES, as the new data prove, which DEFINE the Birth Experience. So let us be aware of who is who, and what it is that one is supposed to be doing. I f you can guarantee you understand verily the function of an engorging vagina, you'll make a Fine Birth assistants; if you have the tuned verbal skills required to reassure, good for the Birthing Women: They shall not fear !
Frankly, what is a Birth plan worth if the Birth assistants cannot guarantee its outcome ? I think I wrote once: that was worth monopoly money
No Woman wants OR need an episiototo.
Ina May has 0,5% forceps

2 months ago
That said, I am glad we are around this circle of thoughts. I have communicated on e-mail with some of you already. Write if you wish. We are making progress like intelligent people.
It is awkard for me. To be censored because you tell the truth is unnerving. Fact.

2 months ago
Perhaps, Yahoo USA will grant us, Earthlings our OLD & Ancient Category of Living Beings - very Beautiful in countless ways.
It has now become an Alternative Thought, Perspective - & judging from empirical Facts, True & Possible.


People want the "easy" way to do things. They don't want to research and find out unbiased answers for themselves. They want to believe the medical industry about everything, most unknowing that the pharmaceutical companies have a large hand in the information that goes out. I had c-sections with my first two kids. I felt incomplete. With my third, I had a beautiful homebirth with no drugs or interventions. Yes, I did tear some, but the recovery was so much easier and less painful that the c-section. Everyone in my family though I was crazy for trying. My husband's family all have their children at home. I was lucky and had some support.

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