What is st johns wart, how does it work, are there side effects, what cant you t!


What is st johns wart, how does it work, are there side effects, what cant you take it with?

And why cant you go in the sun whilst taking it ????


It's called St John's Wort, it's derived form a shrub called Hypericum, and it is used to help treat mild depression.
There are no obvious side effects, but it's recommended that you don't take it with blood-thinning drugs, like Warfarin, or Heparin, or even Asprin, as it also has a slight blood thinning effect,and there could be a VERY slight risk of thinning your blood too much!

it can also photo-sensitise your skin, that is, make it much more sensitive to sunlight, so you will have to use a good sun screen with a high factor, even on a cloudy day, while you are taking St. John's Wort.

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