Can anybody tell me what type of herbs can i use for cluster headaches. WIZ23?!

Question: Can anybody tell me what type of herbs can i use for cluster headaches!. WIZ23!?
Please looking for a cure for headaches (cluster headaches not mi grains)!. There is a difference in the two headaches!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You gave me the wrong e-mail address!. I tried to write you back and it would not send!.

Herbs for headaches: Bromelain{Found in pinapples-ant-inflammatories} ,MSM{Found in certain foods in small amounts-anti-inflammatory and given to racehorses for same reason and found in some joint formulas},Feverfew{Not for people on blood thinners because it thins blood like garlic}

Now imagine what might happening!. There is an artery in the brain that gets inflamed and presses on the nerves so this non-drug anti-inflammatories helped me!. The drug ones have warnings to make things worse in the long run!.

Write me instead of giving your e-mail so I can just reply!.My e-mail is dukster21@yahoo!.com!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There are many herbals naturally - but the one thing I've seen work AMAZINGLY well for cluster headaches is normal, diversified (or other) upper cervical chiropractic adjustments!
I've OFTEN had cluster headache patients have their headaches go away totally with ONE treatment!!!
Unlike migraines that take weeks and months to improve!.
But you generally want to have 8-10 treatments to be sure they don't come back!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

They have to be good - get a good chiropractor off an insurance list - even if you aren't on it they'll give you a discount!. DON'T call the biggest yellow pages ad - they're about the money believe me!.
Chiropractor - 13 years! Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com


also stops excessive sweating and stomach problems for meWww@Answer-Health@Com

my body and tests I've done and proven!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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