Weed. whats your opinion?!

Question: Weed!. whats your opinion!?
i honestly have never met anyone that agrees that weed should be illegal!. including a couple cops that are friends of the family and my parents and their friends!. ( none of the above smoke weed, and i know this because we are an open bunch of people)

so if you think it should be legal, than why!? :)

and illegal!. why!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

weed is far far far less harmful than alcohol or tobacco by ANY measure!.
it's just a plant!.!.!.what business does the government have in making a plant illegal!.
legalization will take away the criminal element!.!.!.there is only obscene profit, crime and violence when things are prohibited!. THis is why Prohibition failed, and how organized crime got its start!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't smoke it but my husband, sister and a bunch of my friends do!. I don't smoke because I don't like the way it makes me feel and I careless if it's illegal or not!. But everyone else I know that smokes thinks it should be legal!. To be honest I can't stand being around them when they do because I feel that I'm not on the same level as they are! lol
Don't think that my family and friends are a bunch of potheads bc they're not!. They're well educated, hard working individuals that like to smoke time to time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

marijuana is a medicinal herb!. i have a friend who has schizophrenia and he says that smoking pot calms him down and helps a lot with it!.
and if someone doesn't want people walking around high all the time, then they should live in a hole, because people are always using drugs, whether it be prescription meds, alcohol, or marijuana, it's going to be done, and people are always going to get high, because it makes people feel better!. there is not a single completely drug free town in america, and that's the way it should be!.
marijuana should be legalized, it's completely ridiculous that it's illegal!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Im 17 and a high school student taking difficult classes!. I need something to take the stress off my shoulders from time to time, and Marijuana offers me just that!. I smoke at least 3 times a week and i have great grades, it does no harm to my school work at all, it actually helps me relax and get things done!.

It should become legalized because they are so many health benefits from it that still havent been researched fully!. It does no worse harm than alcohol!. And if the government legalized it, can you imagine the tax money!?!.!. thats our economic problem solved my friendWww@Answer-Health@Com

alchohol is worse for you than weed!. and it can kill you if you abuse it but weed wont kill you!. the only thing bad from weed is that if you do it everyday for years and years, you brain will turn to mush!. but if its just like a once a month thing like me than your perfectly fineWww@Answer-Health@Com

It should stay illegal!.

Because even if it became legal for "health reasons" people that just use it to get high would abuse it all the time!.

and I dont want to live in this country if everyone around me is going to be walking around high all the time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

stay illegal!. Look in google and type in marijuana causing schizophrenia!. Then you will know one reason!. Take it from someone that really knows, you don't want to walk in my shoes dear!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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