When one takes Herbal Supplements on a regular basis, should one take a Break fr!

Question: When one takes Herbal Supplements on a regular basis, should one take a Break from the Herbs!?
Your body gets used to it so take breaks!. I take mine 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off!. You can also do 4 weeks on 2 weeks off or 8 weeks on 2 weeks off!. You feel the punch more if you do this!. I actually cycle between 2 similar herbs (the better one for 6 weeks, of course)

I've seen this question at a body building forum and everyone else has said this !.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I use homeopathic and herbal medicines and have books on it!. And if you are treating a certain condition, long term, it is a good idea to have a break!.
You will find that symptoms will not immediately return as your body ought to have built up some kind of resistance and immune system strengthened due to the healing properties of the herbs you have been taking!.
I think because continuous use of herbs start losing their potency effect on the body, I think that is the reason that a break is recommended!. And so taking a few days or so break and then resuming them, the herbs will be fully effective again!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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