5 HTP-homeopathic supplement?!

Question: Has anyone experienced dizziness after using 5HTP?

Answers: Has anyone experienced dizziness after using 5HTP?

This supplement has proven helpful in treatment of insomia and depression. Some people use it to lose weight. There is minimal risk or side effects when supplementing with 5 HTP. Some side effects that I found with my clients in private consultation is dizziness and minor stomach pain when they take more than 200 mg per day. Do no take 5 HTP if you are taking any antidepression drug. it is contraindicated. I hope this information help.

No. That should have nothing to do with your dizziness. 5-HTP is a precusor to seratonin and helps you sleep, and overcome mild depression. There are no side effects that I am aware of. It is the same stuff that is in turkey meat. it makes you feel good.

No I do not believe dizziness is a side effect of 5htp I just finished taking it a few weeks ago and am now taking some other neurotransmitter enhancers, as well as fish oil which is very important. I would say the diziness has to do with some other issue you may be having.

i would go see a doctor if it persists.

Look, homeopathy is quack medicine. Its medications are based on lacing water with chemicals and then diluting it until it no longer has any traces of these chemicals.

Homeopathic physicians will say, however, that the water in their medications has a residual memory of these chemicals that makes them therapeutically effective. This, quite simply, is bullshit.

Harleigh Kyson Jr.

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