What is the deal with childbirth, and the whole complete ruination of the woman'!


What is the deal with childbirth, and the whole complete ruination of the woman's body??

i mean, i'm a 40 yr old female, who has had 3 kids {all before the age of 28}, and i am 100 lbs. heavier now, than i was when i got married!!! i hardly gained weight with any of my pregnancies,and i've never been an overeater!!!! my body is completely ruined!! i know people just think that i'm a whiner, but, i just didn't look like this, before i had children!!


Well, pregnancy moves the abdominal muscles from their original positions, so your stomach will more than likely never look the same (though not necessarily bad!). Short of having a tummy tuck, there's not a whole lot that can correct it.

Your weight gain may have nothing to do with having children. Your metabolism starts to slow down as you age. And around forty, you may be experiencing pre-menopausal symptoms, which can only make matters worse. If it's of serious concern to you, you might want to see your doctor and have some hormone tests run, just to make sure there's not a larger problem at work.

I'm sorry that you feel so disheveled! I can only imagine how much it affects you, but probably nothing compared to the joy of having your children!

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