Body hair on women?!


Body hair on women?

My niece recently told me that she has hair on her stomach and chest. She showed me part of her stomach (only a small area around the belly button out of embarrassment) and I just want to know if that's normal. They're fairly light and not very visible from about a foot away. Is their something that she can do to remove the hair?


That is normal, and it's usually genetic, but if the hair is serious or unusual given her relations then it could indicate a hormonal inbalance in which case you might consider seeing a doctor. However I have hair there myself and know plenty of other girls like that.

To remove it, I really do not recommend removing it, especially not shaving, because the hairswill probably just grow back thicker and faster. If she really feels she has to, then hair removal cream is the way to go. But having hair there is perfectly normal and unlikely to cause any problems for her, whereas removal might.

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