If my PERIOD starts today, do I start taking BIRTHCONTROL the same day?!


If my PERIOD starts today, do I start taking BIRTHCONTROL the same day?

my period started today, so I'm confused...Im new to birth control, im just starting...do i start taking the pills the first day of my period or wait until next sunday???


Depends on what kind of birth control it is. If they are 25/green 5/white then yes you should wait until the day after the last day of your period and start the pills. When you use birth control of this type, the 25 pills you take when you are not on your period. The 5 white pills represent your period. If you take your pill at the same time every day and don't miss, your period will sync itself to the pills because of the hormones. You can even get a cute carry case with an alarm that you can set on it to remind you when to take your pill for about $20. Here's the link
But don't forget that the pill is not 100% and also doesnt protect against disease which is why pillpaks are neat because they have a secret spot just fot that reason if you know what I mean!

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