Please girls, I need help with shaving my pubic area?!

Question: Please girls, I need help with shaving my pubic area?
I've been shaving my pubic area for a while now, and I can't shave everyday. I ALWAYS get these little red bumps, that BURN and itch and its not attractive looking at all. I use a new razor everytime, I've tried using different shaving gels, conditioner, soap, nothing, and no matter what, if I try to shave everyday, i get the bumps. Being in a long term relationship with a guy who isn't a fan of pubic hair, and me not liking it much myself, I want it gone! I don't want to go and get it waxed, I've heard it hurts a lot and I'm not really comfortable with the idea either. Any suggestions? I shave maybe once every 4 days because If I do it too often it hurts :(


I'm 25 and have been shaving since I was 14. I also hate body hair...on me AND my bf, so he shaves too (sometimes, he even lets ME shave HIM - that's very erotic). You are getting razor burn shaving every day.
Try this:
when you shower or bathe...shave LAST. that way you've been in the warm water for a while and it gives your pores a chance to open. Then lather up with a good shaving cream (maybe even something with aloe, but definitely NOT something with menthol). then get your razor and shave DOWN with short strokes but don't press so hard against your skin. Make sure you rinse the blade off often so it's always fresh. You can stop here if you'd like and rinse or you can lather again, but this time shave up (this will leave you 'baby smooth') again using short strokes. when you're done rinse with warm water and pat dry. then apply some lotion or moisturizer, so it won't get so irritated. DON"T shave every day. I just shave about every 3 or 4 days (unless I KNOW I have "plans", then I'll shave again).
Finally, the more you do it the easier it gets and the less it itches afterwards. Frankly, I don't itch AT ALL anymore and I think the hair that grows is even thinner that it used to be.
Good luck


you cant just shave upwards.
1-you put a moisturising shaving cream/gel down there
2-get the razor and shave DOWNWARDS this will thin the hair
3-after you shave downwards shave upwards and this will remove all the hair with no pain.
4-it should not be irritated if you do it this way but if it is you can put lotion down there

i do this about every week HOPE I HELPED(:

my mom taught me thiss.

Shave gently and make sure it's a new razor. ALWAYS use shaving cream...and when you're done shaving, there is this soap you can get at any Walgreen's or CVS called Phisoderm (not sure I spelled that right), but use that soap in that area to reduce the bumps.
My Dr. recommended this to me when I had the same questions.

yeah just do it when you think you might be needing that area.. Because honestly doing it everyday does cause the bumps, once a week is best. It'll be really smooth if you wait for it to grow back to like, half a centimeter, then shave it. Make sure you just use plenty of lathered shaving cream. :\ Best I can tell ya.

im not a girl but had a problem similar. What i was doing wrong was shaving up. you always wanna shave the direction the hair grows not against it. its not as close of a shave but feels much better when theres no bumps there and you can do it every day. also use short strokes and keep your razor clean.

try a mans razor.. thats what i do and i never have those bumps aymore. And make sure that before you shave you kind of soak in warm water because it opens the pores and makes it easier to shave... only shave every other day. and after you're done shaving put a little bit of baby powder on.


I highly recommend NOT shaving. because, like you said, it itches and you get bumps! I would use wax but if you don't want any pain then I would say nair. it works well and obviously doesn't hurt. hope this helped.

Use an electric razor. It will keep the area from burning, itching and getting ingrown hairs. Wal-Mart sells female electric razors for about $10

Try using scissors to trim it down then get it waxed of course uts gonna hurt.

tell the guy he needs to shave all his hair off as well.


Never shave down there....... you must wax!

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