this is embarrassing.. girls only?!

Question: This is embarrassing.. girls only?
i just realized ive masturbated before...
i want to tell my parents but im afraid theyll be freaked out and think im going to be a slut or something, but i really need to tell them because theres something weird with my vagina..
should i tell them or not?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

You don't need to tell your parents that you masturbate, nor will they be freaked out given as masturbation is a normal and healthy thing that most people do - also I doubt your parents will consider you a slut. This is an abusive sexist term used to make women/girls feel bad about themselves and their sexuality, if your parents were to call you a slut that would be a major problem, no one should ever call you a slut or a freak for masturbating or for any other reason for that matter.

If you actually think that you have something wrong with your vagina then tell them, I doubt that they will ask you how you know, but if they do you can tell them you were touching down their either masturbating or for any other reason you'd notice down there - getting dressed, itching, washing down there - you understand this is a part of your body, no different to your mouth or elbow, it stands to reason that at some point you will look or touch your vagina. That's not a bad thing.

Masturbation is totally normal and natural, babies still within their mothers womb touch themselves, as we grow older the meaning behind it changes from being something we do to relax or because it is fun to something more sexual, and that's fine as we are sexual. Masturbation is good for everyone, it's the most healthy thing a person can do, it's a great way to relieve stress and sexual tension, it is the only form of safe sex, and it is enjoyable.

It helps people explore your body, sexuality and how you respond to stimulation - this is especially important for girls because it helps when you start having sex to explain to your partner(s) how you like to be touched. This is good because it makes sure you're aroused enough so that you can have vaginal penetration without feeling pain or your vagina being damaged which can increase risk of STD's, also because few women orgasm from intercourse alone being able to tell your partner how you like to be touched in different ways makes sure you have a pleasurable sex life. There is NOTHING slutty about wanting a safe and pleasurable sex life!

Masturbation also has benefits for girls because it can help ease menstrual cramps, it can help induce late periods, it can induce miscarriage if a girl is having an abortion, it can ease labour pains and it can help induce or speed up labour too. Here, read these articles;

Is Masturbation Okay? (Yep.) -…

How Do You Masturbate? -…

How and Why Women and Girls Masturbate -…

There's no need to tell your parents that you masturbate. It's perfectly normal, most everybody does it, and its your own business. If there's "something weird" with your vagina, it's not from masturbating. If you feel comfortable talking to your mom about the vaginal issue, do so. If not, get an appointment with your primary care provider.

Grad student,
Yale School of Nursing

It's not somthing you tell your parents they mostly will freak out! and yes there can be something wrong with it from masturbating! any one who tells you other wise is an ideot! If there is somthing wrong you NEED to tell your mom

you JUST REALIZED you have masturbated before?

u put something into your hole and not realized u masturbate?

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