HELP! Girls: Periods!?!

Question: HELP! Girls: Periods!?
So I got my first period just months after I turned 11, and I'm about to be 17. And since my very first period, they've been extremely painful (can't get out of bed or go to school, throwing up, that kind of stuff) and irregular. And I know that the first 2 or 3 years are irregular, but I've had mine be extremely painful and irregular for almost 6. Should I be worried? Or what should I do to make this time of the month easier for me.


Unless you have a problem like endometriosis you should be able to prevent cramps, it's just a case of discovering the cause and finding the best method - which means you have to do a little research along with some testing to see what works, a few ideas...

Avoid painkillers if you can, but if you need them use Ibuprofen or Aspirin - research proved anti-inflammatory's work best for cramps. Cell salts are a good alternative to painkillers and tend to work better too, when you get cramps take them every 5-10 minutes until the pain stops.

Clary Sage oil (dilute in carrier oil) - rubbed into your tummy it works better than painkillers, plus supports estrogen production and acts on pituitary gland to prevent cramps.

Diet is a big deal, get a balanced diet with foods rich in essential fatty acids and low in refined sugars, refined carbohydrates and hydrogenated fats, avoid foods that make you bloated such as salty foods, and some find dairy, caffeine and soy cause problems.

Vitamins will help; omega 3, flaxseed oil (approx. 500Mg 2-4 times a day), B vitamin complex with 100mg of vitamin B6, Magnesium (100mg every 2 hours during menstruation), and vitamin E in d-alpha tocopherol form (50mg 3 times a day) - also increase calcium, iron and potassium.

Excercise, anything to stretch abdomen and improve breathing, even just getting onto the floor and stretching yourself out, or nice slow relaxing breathing will help, this video shows great yoga postures for cramps -…

Acupressure, I'm not talking about going to a professional (although this may be helpful, chiropractic care may also help you prevent cramps too), if you know the right points you can do this anywhere, this video shows what points to use -…

Masturbation or sex is good exercise, relaxing, and improves circulation, plus during your periods you're more easily aroused so masturbation and sex can be a lot more enjoyable :)

Herbal teas, in particular yarrow, lemon balm, black haw, chamomile, red raspberry, wild strawberry, valerian, and raspberry leaf all help - my foster daughter swears by raspberry leaf. Try the Chinese medicine Bupleurum (xiao yao wan) you take 3-4 tablets 4 times a day a few weeks periods. Also take Evening Primrose oil or Black Cohosh capsules or Chaste Tree tincture daily to regulate hormones to help prevent cramps.

Don't use tampons, they're widely known as a major contributing factor to cramps as by absorbing fluids they're essentially tugging on vaginal walls, chemicals may cause allergy adding to discomfort, and they can expand into your cervix. Use pads for now and consider a menstrual cup in the future; cups are safer, cleaner, more reliable and more convenient than tampons, but also they're known for lessening and preventing cramps.

Have a bath, it will help you relax and improve circulation, it also can have added benefits of making you feel cleaner, getting some 'you time', time to breathe (breathing exercises help you relax), and add a few drops of essential oil for aromatherapy too.

Improve your attitude towards menstruation, women are constantly bombarded with negative messages about menstruation and rarely hear about the positives of menstruation. This effects how you feel about menstruation and how you experience menstruation - research shows if you have a positive attitude not only are you more likely to learn more thus be able to deal better with menstruation, but that menstrual problems are lessened.

If all else fails see a doctor, get tests to see if there is an underlying cause as well as investigating yourself possible causes and treatments. If everything seems okay then ask for an anti-inflammatory drug such as Mefenamic acid to block the the synthesis of prostaglandin F2 alpha, a hormone responsible for cramps, you take these 3 times a day for the first 4 days of your period and they will help cramps better than any other prescription medication.

Avoid hormonal birth control, this stopps periods all together (the bleeding you do get withdrawal bleeding not menstruation) - at best this may hide the problem, not treat it. This will also lessen your ability to care for sexual health, risk side-effects, prevent positives of your cycle and may effect breast and bone development.

Sounds serious!! I was the same when I first got mine and for the first few years. I went on the pill when I was 16 and that seemed to help the pain! I have been off the pill now for 2 years and some months painful, some not at all!! But more often than not they are good! You may have cysts on your ovaries or endometriosis. If I was you I would go to the doctor and get some proper medical advice because you are more than likely suffering when you don't have to be. Good luck and look after yourself!

Get on birth control. Even if you're not sexually active. Women are prescribed birth control for irregular, painful periods. Mine used to be bad too and I'd even faint. Sometimes they'd be so heavy that it would look like clots of blood would come out. As soon as I got on the pill, even though I don't take it anymore, it straightened everything out. I get small cramps on the first day but thats it. My periods are light now. Usually there is no pain at all and the period lasts for 3-4 days now.

That happened to me too, but after about 5 months from my first few period, I started getting terrible cramps and all that stuff. No fun ! I just recently went on birth control because I couldn't handle the pain anymore. My doctor said It will help regulate me, help with cramps and blaoting and all that, plus with my break outs! I'm only on week 2, but so far its working well. I've had a bit of spotting but besides that I've been feeling great :)
I'd talk to your doctor about it honestly, its not good if its affecting your life like that. There can be treatments! Honestly, Look into Yaz. Thats what I'm on and its supposed to help a lot, and also prevents pregnancy if you are or plan to be sexually active :)

Ask your doctor about it. Sometimes they will put you on birth control to maintain the regularity of a period, even if its only every other month. It will also decrease the pain, too. Have you tried taking midol?

I heard bananas work help calm or take advil that helps don't worry my cousin and step mom have the same problem but the throwing up is kinda wierd might wanna check with a docter good luck

Seen it

I went on the pill and my periods became so easy it was like not even having one. See a doctor, it's so worth it.

go get a gyno exam, there could be something up.

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