Anything that will help? Girls answer please?!

Question: Anything that will help? Girls answer please?
Sooo is there any foods that help like bring down the intensity of your period? Or anything that helps?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Eat healthily, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and red meats are good because they have iron.
Junk foods make the lining of the uterus build up faster, so the periods can be longer and heavier.

Use a heating pad for cramps or some OTC pain reliever.

. It You seam to be a rather level head person and have given out some good sound advice as for picked for best is yet to be found out. As for your question some women find that a banana helps with some of the bloating and cramps. Also get into a good routine of working out for your own health. It will help keep your stress level down and cope with life's ups and downs. I read some of the recent Cosmopolitan and it had some more information about aunt flow also the show called the Doctors has some information that might help you. I know it is rather odd for a guy to be speaking about this sort of thing, wife is an RN and she sometimes speak openly about it.

I read once that if you take acidophilus, (a supplement thats found in a lot of dairy, it can also be taken in straight up pill form) it helps decrease the symptoms and makes you feel better.
I also like to drink lots and lots of fluids. Try to stay away from alcohol and super sugary caffeinated stuff that makes you bloat up. It's important to watch what you eat too. Stay away from sodium filled foods.
Exercising can help make your period go by faster. Also... I try to use less tampons and more pads, seems the more I just let it flow out the quicker it goes by!

Drink plenty of water/juice etc and exercise and it doesn't last as long. You can get herbal tablets that are meant to reduce the pain too

i dont know of any foods but u could take pamphrin thats wat i take and it helps alot. hope i helped.


Bananas help. and exercise. hope i helped!

no foods, but i know that if u excersize alot then u wont get cramps

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