I still miss my high school band director?!

Question: I still miss my high school band director!?
I don't know if this is PMS related because I am 2 days way from my period but anyway I am a freshmen in college about to enter my 2nd semester!. Lately I have really been missing my high school band director!. I helped out with marching band this year and the last time I saw him was at one of their concerts which was November 5th!. I stay in touch with him but he hasn't writen me in a while!. I miss him soooooo much it literally hurts! I have been feeling like this all week!. Is this still normal for a freshman in college to feel this way!?

ever try put toothpaste back into the tube!?
you are going through change and it is always a bit rough!. i applaud the fact that you miss your mentor, 2nd father, whatever else goes on in your life-your experience in band has had a profound impact on your life!. thanks for reminding me of how much impact i may have in my students lives!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think getting over band was one of the hardest things for me when I graduated!. When you think of how close bandies get, how long they spend together and all of the crap they go through, it's like a little family, and then suddenly you're just supposed to move on and make new friends with people you just met!. I don't think it's weird for someone to spend four years looking up to someone and then miss them!. And I know that through all of the turmoil of high school, band and the band director were some of the only things that stayed constant, and now that you are adjusting to all of the new changes, it really isn't strange to remember that consistency and miss it!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

ya it is totally cool!. hehe!. i have same case of hurt right now too! i play the flue and i am 2nd semester too! i miss everyhting bout high school band!
~Good LuckWww@Answer-Health@Com

It is if you have a little crush on him!. Have you admitted to yourself that perhaps you feel a bit more for him than your peers might!? If he's a young guy, then it might be ok to get to know him in relationship sense, but if he's older or was an official teacher, then it's a bit no no and you should try to forget about him!.
If it's definitely not a crush, it may be also because band was a big part of your life and you miss it as well as him!. Perhaps you haven't found something to replace that area of your life - are there marching bands in college that you can join or can you do something else musical to satisfy those creative urges!?
When I finished school and went to college, I didn't miss my band director (mainly because he was an absolute idiot) but I did miss the comradery that my band had and the feelings I had during the concerts and competitions!. I think that's normal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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