Periods late after protected sex!! wat going on ???help!!?!

Question: Periods late after protected sex!! wat going on !?!?!?help!!!?
i had sex recently !.!.!.we used a condom!.!.!.n i think he didnt "ejaculate in me" n now my period is 6 days late!.!.!.could i be pregnant or is this normal!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's possible, yes!. It depends on when the condom actually went on!. Your period could also be late for ordinary reasons, like being stressed, or sometimes just because!. Since it's six days overdue, why not just do a home pregnancy test and settle the question!? If it's negative, you most likely aren't and can relax!. If it's positive then you have something else to think about!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Pregnant!? Probably!. How do you know he didn't ejaculate in you!? Oh I know he told you he didn't right!? Sorry, I think this love of your life did in fact ejaculate in you and he's lying to you!. If he didn't, why did he stop having sex with you!. Did he just say, "Oh that's enough for now," pull out and go home!?!? Hope you're ready to be a mommy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

What do u think i really dont understand u say u had sex but u are not confident that he ejected in u or not i mean didint u see after every thing is over !?!?!?!?!?!?!?
any how please do not worry about any thing as u had ur periods now u r safe but please be careful for future!.
There is a time to get pregenent i!.e if u have sex in your safe period's then there is a chance of u getting pregenent!.So stop worrieng and lead a healthy life


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