My first gynecology exam... help! ?!

Question: My first gynecology exam!.!.!. help! !?
I am 21 years old and have never been before, what should I expect!? Please help! Www@Answer-Health@Com

The gynecological exam doesn't have to be anything worse than uncomfortable and slightly embarassing!. To start with, I suggest you take a trusted friend to keep you company in the waiting room!. Wear comfy clothes that you can slip off and on easily- it's not the time for a fashion show and pantyhose!. Wear socks- you get to keep those on, so your feet stay warm and you don't feel so totally exposed!. Sounds silly, but it helps!. When you arrive in the office, tell the nurse it's your very first ever exam!. The nurses are used to helping coax and coddle ladies through the first exams and don't mind it at all!. Go to the bathroom next and empty your bladder completely- squeeze out every bit you can!. That eliminates a big reason for being uncomfortable, as a doctor pressing on a semi-full bladder is not a pleasant sensation! The exam itself is not that bad and the doctor and nurse will usually tell you everything that is going on before it happens, and guide you through what you need to do!. Mostly that amounts to lying there staring at the ceiling, but you should be able to relax the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina!. That will help inserting the speculum!. The actual pap smear is a fast operation, and you don't generally feel a thing!. Then the doctor does a bimanual exam, with fingers in the vagina and pressing over the uterus and ovaries with the other hand!. It may feel odd when or if they hit an ovary- sort of a pit in the belly sensation, although if you are close to ovulation it can be a sharp pinch for a second!. Sometimes the doctor will do a rectal exam, one finger - yeah, well, you know where!. It helps examine the back of the uterus and cervix, important if things are flipped to the back a bit!. Afterwards they test a tad bit of stool for occult blood- a quick colon cancer check, cheap and easy!. The doctor may do the breast exam first, some do it last- the nurse will know the preference and you can ask her!. After the doctor is finished, they leave the room and wait in the office!. The nurse will give you tissues to wipe yourself up with, and leave to let you get dressed!. Then you go to the office to discuss the exam with the doctor, get a prescription if needed, and advice if needed!. After that, you leave!. Don't sweat the exam, or let folks scare you with horror tales!. It's not the most pleasant exam, but it's not painful!. It's more in the category of the visit to the dentist for a cleaning, without the lecture about flossing!. Once you have it done, you will see it's a lot more dread than it's really worth, and not actually that bad!. Good luck, and just don't get worked up beforehand!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's uncomfortable and the gel the doctor will use when he/she inserts his/her fingers into your vagina sucks and makes you all gooey down there!. But it's a necessary evil to make sure everything's working OK!.

The doctor may also do a breast exam, too!. I hate when they try having conversations with you while their checking out your vagina and feeling your boobs!. I am really not in the mood for talking at that point!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just tell them how apprehesive you are and tell them to use the small ones( cant remember what they are called, the things they put up in you to open you up to get the sample of tissue) !. I had a good doctor and it didnt hurt, he talked me through the whole thing and the key to this is to relax, cause if you tense up then it will hurt, just relax and you will feel ok!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am 26 and had my first exam when I was 23!. It's a lot better you think!. The last time I had a pap, the doctor was in and out with the speculum in less than 3 minutes probably!. It takes a lot longer to explain what happens in writing than to actually have the exam!. Good luck! You'll do fine!. Just remember to relax when they insert the speculum!. That's the one thing I've learned!. It all goes a lot smoother and more comfortable if your vaginal muscles are relaxed!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The thing that calms me down is thinking about how many vaginas they see everyday! dirty ones, pierced ones, etc etc lol!. Yours will be just another one in the bunch!. Your dr isn't going to be thinking about anything other than gettin what they need and gettin out!.
They've seen and heard everything! Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its really nerve wrecking i tell ya!.
The doctor makes u put on a gown and you sit on the table thingie!.!.
He makes u scoot down to the end(omg!) and has ur feet in these stirrups and he sticks this metal thingie to open it up so he can take a look and a swab!.
Its really quick and painless!. Although, its extremely uncomfortable!.!.!.just get used to it!. We have to do this for the rest of our lives!

I'm also 21 and I just had my first one a few months ago!.They will always have a nurse in the room with you!. It is kinda of awkward but it goes by fast!. If you have a nice doctor then it makes it a lot easier!. Try asking some of your friends where they go!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Remember there's nothing they haven't seen before and your probab;y one of the bettter and cleaner ones they've seen!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

oh my god!. It sucks!. It doesn't really hurt, it's just really really uncomfortable!. Good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm almost 21 and also have never been!. I thought I was the only one!. Going to one makes me nervous!. Good Luck! Www@Answer-Health@Com

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