What are the spots on some womens underwear?!

Question: What are the spots on some womens underwear!?
OK this is a weird question!. It is just out of total curiosity!.

I've noticed with a couple girls I've been with that I've done laundry with, they have spots on their underwear where their vagina would be and the fabric looks discoloured!. It sometimes looks like someone put bleach just on that one spot! I've seen what period blood and poo looks like on them before, and it's not that!. It doesn't seem to be a stain, because the underwear(s) has been washed tons of times and still has the same discoloured looking spots!. Is it possible that vaginal discharges are eating away at the fabric and taking the colour out of the underwear!? I don't know lol

I've always been afraid to ask them what it is because I don't want to embarrass them, and it doesn't bother me, I just want to know what it isWww@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe they tried to get out spotting (ie period blood) with some harsh fabric cleaner that ended up bleaching the fabric!?

I just have to say, though, what an awesome guy you are for not being bothered by that!. Too many guys are embarrassed and freaked out by any hint of a woman's menstrual cycle, it's really nice to see that some guys aren't!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Vaginal discharge is white on dark panties it could look like bleach, its just everyday skid marks!. Period blood does stain, I try to only wear my stained panties on my period!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

If I start my period overnight or when I wasn't prepared for it I just throw that pair away!. It avoids awkward situations like that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

could indeed be bleach or it could be discharge!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

if their period starts over night or ends it can just leave little marks you knowWww@Answer-Health@Com

its from their period most likely!. loll!. if they start it overnight or unexpected then they will have a mark and it will take forever it get out lmao!. or it could be discharge!. eww!. ahhaha!.:DWww@Answer-Health@Com

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