Girls,I need advice about periods :( ?!

Question: Girls,I need advice about periods :( !?
Hey my names Jess and I'm 14, almost 15 and today I started my period :)
you don't have to answer all of them but!.!.
I just have so many questions!.!.!. :D
1) How long will my period last for!? Around a week!?
2) How do I know when my period will arrive again!?!?
3) It's been constant bleeding all day long!. Is that normal!?!?
4) If you have constant bleeding does that mean that you have a heavy flow!?!? :S
5) I keep getting hungry!. Is that normal for when you are on your period!?!?
6) Will my flow get better!?!? Lighter!?!?
7) should I use tampons or sanitry towells!?!?

Thanks xxx you dont have to answer all of them but please try your best because I would really appreciate it xxxxxxxxxxxxWww@Answer-Health@Com

1!. around a week or a little longer!.!.!.!.or it could last a day or two
2!. in around 28 days!.!.!.!.But since you are just starting, you never really know when!.!.!.but mark the date you started on a calender!.!.!.that way you will be able to tell normally when you will have it!.!.!. (But do NOT rely on it)(because your period will be very irregular for a while)
3!. yes, that is very normal
4!. no, you are always constantly bleeding!.!.!.!.if you bleed through a super plus tampon, then YES you have a heavy flow!.!.!.
5!. Yes, that is very normal!.!.!.give into your cravings!.!.!.because if you don't it'll just piss you off!.!.!.!.
6!. sometimes!.!.!.!.!.but normally it gets heavier then lighter!.!.!.!.
7!. I use tampons!.!.!.to me they are a whole lot comfortable!.!.!.!.!.Try playtex sport tampons!.!.!.They are great!!

Here's some stuff you may want to know:

For Cramps:

~midol teen or midol
~heating pad or hot water bottle
~hot bath

DO NOT DRINK SODAS--- it will make your cramps WORSE

Tampons: Use plastic, since you are just starting

~Playtex Sport
~Playtex Gentle Glide
~Tampax Pearl



#1 thing you need:


Hope I helped!

Miss SophieWww@Answer-Health@Com

a period can last a day or two up to a week!.
the average cycle is about 28-32 days, meaning thats when you can expect it again!.
bleeding all day!? alot is a heavy cycle!. a little just spotting, thats a light cycle!.
dont know about your hunger!.
your flow will decrease in hours to days, depending on your own body!. it will get lighter in color, to a small amount of brown, meaning cried blood, your cycle is over!.
I say stick with pads, till you figure how comfeertbale you get with yourself!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

It bleeds 24/5, just keep wearing pads for a week even if it looks like you've stopped!.
count 28 days after your period stopes!. so in 7 days count 28 days!. DONT FORGET!.
Heavy flow is probably only if it comes out black and you feel it thick!. Hungry is probably you being shocked, but eat well or the pain will multiply!. solitry towels are best!. Especially because your 14!.
Gets lighter!. and the pain dies away!.

edit - if you wear skirts, wear tights!.!.!.!. and tampons may end up being stuck or feel uncomfortableWww@Answer-Health@Com

1) For 5 to 7 days
2) Every 21 days!. But its going to be irregular because its just starting!.
3) Yes just change you pad every 4 hours if its really heavy!.
4) Yes
5) Yes because your body is working harder than before so eating more is not bad!.
6) Maybe but it really depends it may be light one day and heavier another day!.
7) Honestly tampons hurt at first!. So start with pads and work up to tampons!.

If your still have questions email me at firecey101@yahoo!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes give me a min or two!.!.!.!.!.

1!.) Your period ( normally ) will last about a week!. It's normal!.
2!.) It'll come back around a month or so from the first time you started, each month!.
3!.) Yes, constant bleeding is normal, just remember to change whatever tampon/pad you're using, more than twice a day!.
4!.) If you have a constant flow, no it doesn't mean it's heavy, but if there is a lot of blood then, yes!. Heavy flow it is!.
5!.) It might be normal to be hungry since you JUST started, but that'll go away!.
6!.) It probably wont change much, but it might not be as heavy as it is when you first start, but you'll get used to it!.
7!.) tampons work well, but they're havvok to manage ( personally ) it's basically whatever you're comfortable with, at first i'd reccomed the towells,and once you're used to it, tampons!. BUT REMEMBER: don't sleep with tampons in!.
Good luck, it's part of life!. You'll get used to it after a while :)
Hope I helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1) Nobody really knows!. It could last a day, it could last ten days!.

2) There are symptoms that you will have that will let you know it is coming, though sometimes it does creep up on you!. Since you've just gotten it, you can't rely on the "every 28 days" rule, so just be sure to mark when you have your period (as well as how heavy, etc)!.

3) Totally normal, you can have a bleed all day long, or it can "stop" for a few hours!.

4) A heavy flow is changing a pad every half hour or hour!. A light flow is changing a pad every four hours or so, etc!.

5) You can have increased appetite on your period!.

6) My periods were very heavy and very painful from age 11 when I started until I turned age 18 (and only because I got on birth control)!.

7) You can use either!. Tampons are a must have for swimming and are excellent for physical activities!. Try tampax pearl lites at first as they are very slender and have a plastic applicator!. I've worn tampons since age 11 when I first started menstruating until now, age 34!.


hi jess

1)a period can last between 3 - 7 days it depends on the individual
2) your period should arrive 28 days after the first day of your period so mark up your calendar however it can take many months before your cycle is set
3) for some people yes , its an individual thing , your period may be different from your mums , friends sisters etc!.
4) it depends on how much you are losing , how often you have to change towels or tampons , you can bleed all day but just have a light period
5) I always eat like a horse but I don't know how much of that is in my head
6) It will change throughout your life but will take a while to settle down
7) i would advise towels to start
tampons are a bit trickier to get used to but handy for swimming

when you do try tampons ask at the chemist for an easy applicator brand


1)Since this is your first period, it could last anywhere from 3-7 days!. 5-7 days is common once you have been having periods for a while!.
2)You could be the sort of person whose period is very regular from the day they start, or it could be irregular for the first couple of years!.
3+4) Constant bleeding is normal, you can determine how heavy it is by how often you need to change your sanitary towel!. If you have to change it every hour it is a heavy period and you should consider getting more absorbent sanitary towels!. Even if it is light, you must change it regularly!.
5) Cravings for food (particularly sweet or salty foods) can be a sign of PMT however these symptoms will generally stop before your period starts, or on the first few days!. You may just have the munchies :D
6) Periods are often heavy at the beginning and may get lighter as the days go on!. The heaviness of them may change with each period!.
7) Since this is your first period I would use sanitary towels!. They are easy to use and you can see how heavy your flow is!. This is important as you should only use tampons that are just absorbent enough for your period (e!.g!. don't get high absorbency ones for a light flow)!.

I'd advise you to keep a record of your periods: what day they start, when they end, and when they start again!. The first day of your period is day 1 of your cycle, and a full cycle is the first day of your next period!. If you are regular this record may help you predict when your next period is (the average cycle is about 28 days, though it can be more or less - it depends on the individual)!. If you experience symptoms of PMT (these can appear 1-2 weeks before your period) then keep a note of them, particularly if you experience severe pain!. If there is anything else you need to know, there are lots of websites that can help, including ways you can relieve any cramps you may experience (personally I find a hot water bottle helpful, and a painkiller if they are bad)!.

Hope this helps!. In time you'll be able to recognise your own cycle, pmt symptoms (if you even get any) and how heavy your flow is!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

The first thing to remember is that EVERYONE is different and what might be normal for your friend wont necessarily be the same for you!.

1!. Periods on average are between 5-7days!. If this is your 1st you wont know what your usual length is yet!.
2!. Average time between is periods is 28 - 32 days!. But some women have a much longer/shorter cycle!. You wont have a cycle length at the moment, but record down the start of each period and you will hopefully be able to work out when the next is due, so you can be prepared!.
3, 4 + 6!. At the start of your period is normal to bleed heavily and continuously!. As you go through your period will become 'lighter' - less blood and not continuous although you will need to use something still!. The 'heavy' is how much blood you lose!.
5!. Lots of women feel hungry / crave particular foods!. Periods can take a lot out of some women so you may feel the need to 'fill up'!.
7!. Most people suggest you use sanitary towels for the first few periods, before you use tampons!. Talk to your mum if you can!.

I had my first at 15 and I immediately settled into a 30 day pattern and had very few problems/pains!. As I enjoyed swimming I started using tampons on my 2nd!. I found them easy to use and never went back to towels!.
Make a record of how you feel before you period, keep a record of dates/how long they last, this will help you work out your 'normal' cycle and you will be more confident when you now when/what to expect from your period!.
Good luck!.


Hi!.!.!.i think your pleased so i'll say congrats!. now on to your questions
1)Chances are your period will last around a week yes, but some peoples are shorter 2-4days other long 7-10days!. But about a week or slightly under!.Your first one might be shorter than the rest!.
2)ok, start making a record of when your period has arrived that will give an idea but for the next month i would expect it in about 4 weeks but again every woman is different so it might take longer of shorter time to come!. so for your first month why not carry around a few pads just in case it comes sooner rather than later!?
3)Yes it is normal to have constant bleeding all day long but probably over the next few days you will notice less blood and less constant!. so don't worry about that
4)Hmm a heavy flow!. there is no chart to mark ur period against to find out if it is heavy, but if you have to change ur pad or tampon more frequently than 4 ot 5 hours then you probably need to move up and try a more absorbent pad or tampon!. Just try a few and see what works best, you might need different absorbencys as your period goes through!.
5)i get hungry around my period too so i think that is normal!. when this happens i always figure ur body is lacking in something thats why u crave food!.
6)ok this is the bad bit, as this is ur first period chances are your other periods will be heavier not lighter!.!.!.as there will be more 'build up' of blood!. But again every woman is different! so there is no way to predict really
7) I would try using both!. i started with pads and as i got used to it i tried tampons!. now i use them all the time except for at night when you really need to use a pad, but there are opne designed for nighttimes!. But tampons are very convenient for the rest of the day, if u are comfortable with using them!.
I hope i helped a little bit!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1) yeahh about a week for me!.!.!.the average days it lasts for anybody is between 4-8 days i think!. mine lasts 6 days everytime!. you can usually tell when you get it after a while of having your period, just by the way you act/feel (i usually get a terrible stomach ache the night before, a cramp in my lower abdomen and i know its here!. or i feel bloated and can't eat that much without feeling full)!.
2) about 28-30 days a period comes back, but since you've just started, it may be irregular and could skip a few months or so!. it will be irregular for the first 2 years, but some people just end up with regular periods!.
3) yes it's very normal!.
4) well, if it's a heavy flow, you'll know!. mine is heavy the first 3 days or so, and when i go to the bathroom i can feel (i know this is disgusting) but i can feel a ton of blood come out!.
5) yes it's very normal!. it's also a PMS symptom as well!.
6) my flow has stayed the same, the first time i got my period the blood was brown and the period was light!. then the next month, it was very heavy the first few days and lighter the rest of the cycle!. so it may stay the same or change!. you'll get to know your flow after a while, so you'll know what absorbancy of pads/tampons to buy!.
7) the first year of my period i started with pads, because they were easier for me, and i was just getting used to a period!. but now i use tampons because i'm more "familiar" with down there!.

hope i helped you a little! remember everyone's period is different!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

1)Your period could last anything from a few days to a whole week!. Average is about 5 days I think!.!.!.
2)You might not know when your next period arrives, but most people have signs that means they know its approaching!. As you get used to the changes in your body, you'll pick up something (moodiness, stomach cramps, spotting etc)!. It will likely be between 28 and 35 days after this one!.
3) Constant bleeding completely normal
4) Heavy flow is where you're changing tampons / towels very regularly!. Most people have a few days of a heavier flow and then it lightens up a bit until it stops completely
5) Hungry bit!? No idea - I'm always hungry!!
6) Because periods are all about hormones, you will have a "normal" for you, but there will be times when it will be heavier / lighter!.
7) Most women find it really hard to use tampons when they first start their periods, so start with sanitary towels!. It'll give you more of a feel for whats normal for you as well!. If you practice with a tampon every once in a while (ONLY while you're having your period!.!.!.!!!), once you're comfortable using them, you can switch!. Some people need to use both on their very heavy days!.

On the tampon / sanitary towel note - personally, I use neither!. I use a mooncup!. Best invention in the world as far as I'm concerned, but very very fiddly!. I'd become an expert with tampons before attempting one - but I do recommend them as a long term option!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

In answers to your questions every one is differant and you will not settle into a regular routine for several months but it can last from 3 days to 5 days at the moment you will not know when the next one is due it could be about 28 days but at the start you may go several months before another one the first day or 2 it is normally pretty heavy and bleeding all the time I dont know about the getting hungry bit after first day or two it will get lighter and some months will be heavier then others as for tampons or towels you might find it easier at first to use towels but it is a very personnel choice havnt you got a mother or older female relative to ask these questions dont get embarresed we all started at one time its naturalWww@Answer-Health@Com

1!. it different for everyone but ya about a week
2!.well the first times it will be kinda irregular but about ever 28 days
3!.yea that is normal with me the first and second day are very heavy and then 3 4 and 5 are lighter
4!. it might it might not it all depends
5!. I am always starving when i have my period and a little bit before also my cycle begins
6!.yes it should
7!.I think you should start useing pads just for a while intill you get use to haveing your period then later in about 4 or 5 months you can start useing tampons!.

Ask you mom or sister ( if you have one) if you have any more questingWww@Answer-Health@Com

1) How long will my period last for!? Around a week!? mine lasts 7 days most of the time!.!.!.it just all depends on u

2) How do I know when my period will arrive again!?!?
when its over see how many days it lasts then when your next comes count how many days are in between and thats about when u should have ur 3rd

3) It's been constant bleeding all day long!. Is that normal!?!?
yes thats normal

4) If you have constant bleeding does that mean that you have a heavy flow!?!? :S
im not exactly sure since mine was heavy but most likely yea urs might be heavy

5) I keep getting hungry!. Is that normal for when you are on your period!?!?
100% normal

6) Will my flow get better!?!? Lighter!?!?
depends on ur body mine gets really light that it looks like its gone about day 3-4 then on day 5 it gets a little heavier then light the rest of the time

7) should I use tampons or sanitry towells!?!?
i wouldnt use tampons just yet since its only ur first wait a couple more periods before using them
email me for any other questions if u want


1) everyones period can last from 2 days to a week and it takes a while for your period to get on a pattern my first lasted 3 days

2) a period comes every 28 days but as a said above it wont be exactly on tract for a while

3) it is normal you may notice for a day that it will go away or be very light bleeding then it comes back the next day

4) i am not sure

5) yes it is and during or near your period you might have a craving for sweets

6) it should be when it gets in a normal pattern it may get lighter or it may get heavier if it gets too heavy you could get birth control that can help

7) try both and which ever one seams to be more comfortable at first you may want to go with padsWww@Answer-Health@Com

1) How long will my period last for!? Around a week!?
Between three to seven days; mine lasts four!.

2) How do I know when my period will arrive again!?!?
You'll be bleeding again!. Keep track of the days of your period on a calender, and soon you'll be able to plot out generally when you will start your next period!.

3) It's been constant bleeding all day long!. Is that normal!?!?

4) If you have constant bleeding does that mean that you have a heavy flow!?!? :S
No, it's normal!.

5) I keep getting hungry!. Is that normal for when you are on your period!?!?
Maybe you're just hungry : /

6) Will my flow get better!?!? Lighter!?!?
Maybe, because it is your first, but mine got heavier!.

7) should I use tampons or sanitary towels!?!?
Use what you're comfortable with; I really only use tampons during the day and pads at night!.

1) How long will my period last for!? Around a week!?
When you start it can be anything from 2 days to a week!.

2) How do I know when my period will arrive again!?!?
In about 28 days, but again, when you start it can be very irregular!. My sister didnt get her second period until a year after her first!. [mine was quite regular though]

3) It's been constant bleeding all day long!. Is that normal!?!? Yes!.

4) If you have constant bleeding does that mean that you have a heavy flow!?!? :S
A heavy flow basically means a lot of blood so if your pad is completely filled up it's a heavy flow!.

5) I keep getting hungry!. Is that normal for when you are on your period!?!?
Yes!. Some people crave things, some people dont want to eat, it's all part of the hormones!.

6) Will my flow get better!?!? Lighter!?!?
It will get lighter as it goes on but the first 3 days are usually heavy and quite messy!.

7) should I use tampons or sanitry towells!?!? I think when you start you should use towels [I always have done] but choose whatever you prefer!. I don't like the idea of putting a tampon in, but thats just my opinion!. If you're gonna use a tampon make sure it's comfortable!.

Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey hun!

I'm afraid everyone is different and you will find it will all keep changing in the next few mths as ur body adjust and settles down!.
a period can last between 2 days and 8day apx everyone different :(
you will learn when your can feel your period is coming everyone has different symptoms my tummy can become swollen and tender!.

yes bleeding all day is normal after a couple of days it will slow down!.
your flow etc will all change lots in the next few but i promise it will settle down soon!
yep being hungry is one off the perks lots of choc and ice cream! make the most ohe he! hehe!
towards the end of your period ur flow will become liuntiluntill it stops

if i where you i would first stasanitaryanitry towels at least for first yeathat's thpersonalrspnal choice you have to try both and see what works best for you! just remember if you go swimming where tampax!

i hope this has helped, talk to close friends and family we all go through idon'td doembracedrraced to ask for advice you will get used to it

good luck hun xxxWww@Answer-Health@Com

aww bless you i remember this!.!.!.
your period will last prob around 3-7 days give or take
it will probably arrive the sameish time next month (best to mark down the date on a calender and you will get to know your cycle)
it is normal to bleed all day and night
i duno about the hunger thing
i used to have bad heavy periods and they only got lighter when i went on the pill but sometimes you can have a heavier period than normal or a light easy one
use whatever is comfortable
a heavy flow is when there is a lot of blood and you have to change your tampon regurlary, not if you bleed all day!. the flow is how much you bleed

xxxxhope i helped xxWww@Answer-Health@Com

Hiya, Jess!.
1!.Between 3 - 7 days!.
2!. Count 28 days from the day your period started and that will give you a rough idea of when it will next time, it doesn't mean it will come on that day, the longer you have your period the more regulated it will become but for the next 6 months or so it will probably be a bit all of over the place!.
3!. That's totally normal; that's what a period is; constant bleeding!. You do get used to it!.
4!. No, you won't know your flow for a while cause you've only just started but it will be obvious if it's heavy or not!.
5!. I eat more than usual when i'm on my period but i don't know why!.
6!. It will get lighter and heavier throughout your life!. Especially when you're old or if you go on the pill!.
7!. Everyone has a different preference!. Some prefer tampons and others prefer pads!. Its trail and error!. You'll have to try both to see what you want to use : )
Hope i helped, Www@Answer-Health@Com

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