Question: GIRLS ONLY PLZ!.!.!.!.!.!?!?!?
im an 8th grader and i havent had me period yet!.!.!. but the past couple of months theres been this white creamy gooey stuff that comes out of my va g g n i dont know what it is!.!.!. does this mean im gonna start my period soon!?!?!? HELP ahhhhWww@Answer-Health@Com


wow you sound just like me
im an 8th grader too and of course havent started my period yet!.!.

but the white creamy stuff is something called discharge!.
I got that a lot too and yes it means you are going through puberty
and yes you may have your period!. So, be prepared and bring pads to
school just in case you have it at school!.

hope I helped you out!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I was almost 15 by the time I had my first period!. The good news about that is that you already know what to expect so it won't freak you out!. As long as the gooey stuff doesn't look like cottage cheese (which is a yeast infection), it sounds pretty normal!. And yes, you'll probably start your period within a few months!. You should start seeing a gynecologist for regular pap smears and get the HPV vaccination as well!. It's really important to get yearly physicals now!. Women can develop a LOT of problems which are easily remedied by early detection!. Enjoy not having a period while you can -- cramps aren't fun!. But I understand you want to "become a woman"!. I felt the same way!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, that stuff is normal it is called discharge and comes out when your period it coming soon!. It may come really soon or in a little over a year!. That discharge will always be there and when you period comes it will turn in to blood!. After that one week of the month it will go back to discharge!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

i got mine in eighth grade too!. you are perfectly normal !. The discharge you are talkin about is also completely normal , it does not necessarily mean your gonna start your period soon but you should probably be sure to have tampons or whatever with when you go places just to be safe!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes it is called discharge it a lickwid
its gross and smells start putting toliet papper an d in a year you will get youre period!. i have it and just got my period and still have it its natural and annoying
its just the way of lifeWww@Answer-Health@Com

yes it means that you are ovulating and you will soon shed the lining of your uterus and then your period will comeWww@Answer-Health@Com

Its happens to almost all girls, yes it does mean that you will be starting your period soon!. Although some get it for over 2 years it all depends on you :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

when you get that stuff that means your going to get your period in the next 6 months or 1 year i think Www@Answer-Health@Com

it's called discharge!. every girl has it :)!. it means you're getting it pretty soon, i think!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yes u are grown upWww@Answer-Health@Com

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