Help please im extreamly scared! women only?!

Question: Help please im extreamly scared! women only!?
Okay!.!. i dont know why im asking this now a month later but i had my first period july 14 lasted about 6 days but the first 4 days it was very heavy i put a tampon in right away and it was a regular size but it leaked after a hour!.
I thought your first period wasnt suppost to be that heavy!.
im really scared because i havent gotten my period yet this month soo and i no im not pregnant thats not even a option!.


I wouldn't worry, The first time I got mine, the same thing happened!. I thought I would be cool and not like those girls you see freaking out and not knowing what to do with their first period!.

So I grabbed some "battle gear" from my mom's room and went along my way!. An hour later the pad was leaking!. Went to dinner with my grandmother and I was leaking around my good slacks!. I looked as if someone had slashed me!

At that point I started to cry!. I didn't think it was normal!. *lol* Turns out I have never had one that heavy since!. I also was not normal, as a monthly thing for me!. Your cycle is new and will regulate over time!.

Good Luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

My first period was very heavy and it continues to be heavy!. It's different for every lady!. Also, your cycle might not be as regular and still be normal!. Mine is regular, but my friend's and sister's are very irregular and the doctor told both that was normal!. However, if you are really concerned about it, you should talk to your doctor!. He or she will give you the best/most accurate answer!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Everyone's periods are different!. Even periods from the same woman can be different: some are short, light, long, heavy, etc!. You're FINE! Change your tampon!. You might need a super or super plus (I do sometimes)!. Try another regular first because you may have been really soaked down there from getting it so suddenly that it absorbed it really fast!. Try other brands of tampons too!. I can use a "super" Kotex tampon and leak and then be fine for a full 7 hours on a regular Tampax Pearl!.

But when I got my first period at age 12, it was HEAVY and my mom wouldn't let me use tampons, so I had to worry about my pad leaking-- gross! Now I'm 21, still get horribly heavy periods, but I use the right tampons, so I don't have problems!.

Some people will tell you to go on birth control-- but you're a child!. It will affect your body differently than it would affect an adult!. And it doesn't mean it will make your periods lighter-- made mine worse!.

Good luck!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't worry, it takes a long time for your periods to settle down into a pattern of regularity!.

Sometimes they can be heavy or light to start with and then settle down - if you get another period and after that one they are still very heavy see your doctor - but did you insert the tampon properly!?

As I said it all should settle down in time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When you first get your period, there is no normal!. Some girls have a very heavy one and for others it is light!. It all depends on your body!.

It takes at least 2 years for your cycle to regulate!. In the beginning it is very irregular!. It may even skip months!. There is no reason to be scared!. Thus is completely normal!.

Have you talked to your mom/ older sister/aunt about periods!. It might help relieve your anxiety!. You can also go to beinggirl!.com for answers to your questions!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don't panic!. It takes a while for your period regulate itself!. My first period was extremely heavy and lasted for 2 weeks!!! I never had one for 3 months after that!. It took about a year before I got them regular!. It's normal and nothing to be scared about!. Try buying tampons for a heavier flow!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

well dont forget people have different bodies and develop at different times ok!? just be sure to tell ur mom of course but its normal for most girlz some have lighter periods and some have really bad periods but also you just started and ur body isnt yet used to it it'll most likely calm down the longer you've had your period (eg:2 months, 4 months, 9 days, etc etc)

hope i helped <3Www@Answer-Health@Com

Women have different kind of periods!. Some are heavy and some aren't!. Try to get Super or Super Plus the next time you go shopping for tampons!. And if you haven't been having sex or anything!.!.don't worry, sometimes periods don't happen around the same EXACT time each month!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, my first period was VERY heavy! Those people at school lie to you! No, I'm just joking! Everyone is different! So, what you should just do is, after you put a tampon in, put a pad in your underwear!. So any leakage will get caught in the pad!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Don'tt worry everyone is different, wear a super plus tampon with a pad aswel!. That should stop leakages!. thats normal, it will be irregular the first year, good luck xxxWww@Answer-Health@Com

periods don't get regular for a year so they might be heavy or light or they come late or early, its all normal!. you should be able to tell when something is actually wrongWww@Answer-Health@Com

your period will be weird for a while so you may skip a few everyone is different i never had a light period even when i first started so don't worry about that eitherWww@Answer-Health@Com

It will be very irregular for the few months!. Its normal for that to happen!. Don't stress yourself because that will make longer before you get it! Just relax!Www@Answer-Health@Com

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