Health question-is this normal?!

Question: Health question-is this normal!?
i'm 13 and i started my period a year ago!. i haven't had it for 2 months and now it's back and i've been having it for more than a week!? it's pretty heavy during the day, and its a little lighter at night!.

is my situation normal!? what can i do to make my period shorter!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sound normal to me!. You are young yet and you cycle will improve and become more normal in time!. Chances are you are heavier during the day because of the activities you are doing compared to the evening hours!. Let your body go through the normal process!. Talk to your mother or doctor about any problems and if it is safe for you to make it a shorter period!. They would put you on a low dose birth control that will help you be on a normal schedule with less bleeding!. There are side affects of birth control so starting it at such a young age might not be the best for you!. I have heard of many younger girls having to be put on birth control for this exact reason!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Dont worry about it!.
Its ok!.
Since you just started into your Puberty
its going to be like this!.
Its fine to be irregular for sometime!.
If your period last for more then 10 days or so
then tell you doctor just to be sure!.
But you should be fine!.
I use to get mine for 8 days or so and get it
every month
then every 3 months
then again in a month
so dont worry!.
Have fun with it!
(your turning into a women!!) :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

totally normal, your bodys still gettin used to it and its going through loads of changes at the moment!. dont worry about it its totally normal!. theres nothing yu can do to make your period shorter, just grin and bear it, its abit anooying at first but youll get used to it eventually xxWww@Answer-Health@Com

Your situtation is completely normal!. I know because this happened to me too! Anyway, you can't do anything to make your period shorter!. Just continue your life until your period stops!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

yah that is normal your body is just getting use to the changes
(oh and avoid cold drinks mostly ice it sometimes slow down the process and it makes the periods last longer)Www@Answer-Health@Com

very the first 2 years of periods will be irregularWww@Answer-Health@Com

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