Are these pregnancy or getting ur period symptoms???!

Question: Are these pregnancy or getting ur period symptoms!?!?!?
i had unprotected sex a couple of times with my boyfriend since 2 months ago!.I didnt get my period this in July!.But i always have irregular periods!.Thats nothing new! I also been having these cravings for Snickers and i've been cleaning up for no reason,which i heard that when u do clean up a lot for no reason at all that its a sign of pregnancy,,,,Well does it sound like pregnancy or my "period"is just coming on!?!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Generally women don't start "nesting," which is cleaning and preparing for the arrival of the baby, until the last few months of pregnancy!. I agree with the others, you should run out and get a pregnancy test!. They are pretty cheap and its better than worrying you self to death!. Also check with your local health department because they offer free pregnancy screenings, free birth control methods, and if you are pregnant they can provide care for you and the baby for free!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There's a chance you're pregnant, but if you don't have the big signs like extreme fatigue, breast tenderness, nausea, and so on, it's more likely that you just want Snickers and a clean house!.

Take a test if you're truly concerned, but remember that it's very easy to worry yourself into feeling pregnant!. I've had all the full-blown signs before and finally got myself up to take a test!. Negative!. And about a half-hour after the negative test, here comes aunt flo!.!.!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, I just went through this!. I took a test--negative =) I was just very stressed!.

But it sounds to me like you might be pregnant!. You should never have unprotected sex- especially if you don't want a baby!.

Take a test--it relieves stress-- and best of luck!.


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