HELP! Boobs problem..?!

Question: HELP! Boobs problem!.!.!?
My nipples get reeeealy itchy and sore!.!. they have been for a while!. Is this growing pains!?

They get all flakey from the skin i scratch off wen Im sleeping!.

Why does this happen and what can I do to stop it!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

This is a very common problem!.

Try a very gentle moisturizer!. Sounds gross, eh!? I just had an experience with baby powder, and it will work wonders to clear up irritation in that region!

My best bet (and from my own experience) is that you may be wearing a bra that is too restrictive and/or made out of an uncomfortable material, like synthetics!. Stay away from your cute bras and opt for your most comfortable ones until it's cleared up!. If it happens again, you can bet you're wearing some type of material that your body doesn't agree with!. Wash your bras every day, by hand is best!. Just wash 'em out in the sink with some Woolite (My mom and I have used Ivory dish detergent for many years and it works great and is cheap) and hang them to dry!. Depending on the material, they should be dry by the next morning, but if not, toss it in the dryer for a few minutes!. May I mention that washing by hand greatly increases the life span of your lingerie!?

As for the growing pains, you may just be right on!. I think the statistic is more than half of all women are not aware they are wearing the wrong size bra!. Visit a Dillards, a Victoria's Secret, a Frederick's of Hollywood, or anywhere they have trained bra fitting specialists just to make sure!. It's a good idea while you're still growing to go every couple of months or so to make sure you're breasts are looking and feeling their best in the proper bra!.

Also, if you are tanning in the nude, cover 'em up!. Pasties or whatever; they can be very sensitive to UV, more so than the rest of your body because they're usually not exposed!.

They sure can hurt for a while!. Going braless can further irritate them, as it was in my case, so wear a loose-fitting sports bra or a cotton camisole while you're lounging!. However if going braless helps and you're not super-endowed, wear something that allows you to go braless and is still modest and comfortable for a while!.

If none of this helps and the problem persists, itchy nipples can be a sign of more serious problems so you should see a doctor!. WebMd!.com has a lot of information for whatever symptoms you may have and some advice on how to treat yourself!. Disclaimer: If you are a hypocondriac, don't visit the site!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have no idea im not a doctor and only a guy!. Are you nursing!? Have you had breast exams/ aside from this for cancer!? Call your doc, if hes not there leave a message to have him call you or go see him!. This sounds like nothing to do with pain!. Itchy and peeling doesnt match!. Sounds like some chafing try a cream!.


It could be growing, as the other people have said, or it could just be sensitive skin!. See a doctor or a dermatologist and see what they think - they may even be able to suggest a treatment for you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

OK i hate it when guys answer these questions
they have know idea what there talking about!.

Don't worry, its totally normal!. It just means your growing!. It also to notice different sizes of your breasts and to see blue veins on them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Its hormones!. I had that happen when I was first pregnant!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

they're probably just growingWww@Answer-Health@Com

they are probably growing!. are you pregnant!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

your growing!.!. but put lotion on them!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

youre gonna dieWww@Answer-Health@Com

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