New job...feet hurting...swelling...?!

Question: New job!.!.!.feet hurting!.!.!.swelling!.!.!.!?
I started a new job about 2 weeks ago!. The job requires me to stand on my feet for my whole shift (usually 7 hours at a time!.) For the first few days my feet were swelling and hurting!. Now they barely swell at all, but still some!. I can tell by the indentation of my socks, but its really not bad at all!. However, my feet are really achy at the end of the day!. Nothing excruciating, but achy than anything else!. I wear Nike Shox shoes with Dr!. Scholes *sp!?* gel inserts!. I'm wondering is it normal for my feet to still be hurting!? Is it okay that their is still some swelling or should my body have gotten used to standing all day by the end of 2 weeks!?!? And what are a better, more comfortable shoe to wear for standing all day!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

No, It's normal!.

They'll probably always be achy!. As long as your still doing a job like that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

hmmmm the shoes u said u wear shound like they would be fine to wear while standing all the time

maybe go to ur podiatrist (foot doctor) an check with her/him
they might be able to give u some sort of cushioning for ur shoes

not sure wat else i can say

hope ur feet get better
try soaking them after ur shiftsWww@Answer-Health@Com

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