Smells down there.?!

Question: Smells down there!.!?
its not a fishy smell
its not neccesarily umberable but its noticeable
and its frustrating when im about to have sex i can smell it!
i DO wash very good down there and use vaginal washes and i still get that smell
is it ok to have it!? do guys mind it!? should i not be smelling anything at all!?
how can i get rid of it besides washing which i alrdy do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, that smell is most likely the smell of your vaginal lubricant, which is natural!. Especially since it is happening right before sex, when you are aroused! It has nothing to do with your cleanliness, it is natural for a woman!. If a guy is considerate at all he won't make a comment about it, but he probably won't even notice it in the first place! Don't worry about it!Www@Answer-Health@Com

If it's thin and milky wetness, it's normal!.
If it's white and gummy, you're ovulating!.
If it's red, but not you're period, you're spotting, your period is either finishing or coming!.
If it's thick and lumpy like cottage cheese, it's a year infection!.
if it's brown and it's right before your period, it is your period!.
if it's gray and fishy, it's bacterial vaginosis!.
if it's yellow-green and smells really bad, it's trichomoniasis, which is an STD!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

girls are SUPPOSED to smell down there!. it's an aphrodisiac!. it's when it starts to smell fishy that you need to worry!! and your smell can vary at different times of your cycle!. but as long as it's not fishy and you don't have weird discharge, you are fine!.

just stay away from douches!! those are COMPLETELY unhealthy for you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

It's normal!. Most guys are too horny to notice anyway!. And if he backs off because the smell is overwhelming then you know you have a problem!.

Then you know you have a fish market down there!.

But hey, sometimes when a guy smells fish it makes him want to eat out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Normally some women does really have that bad smell down there maybe due to infection or other causes!. Please try my product!. It's called LOVEMOON!. It is a sanitary napkin with negative ion!. It eliminates odor instantly!. This is guaranteed!. I know you are so bothered so I want to help you!. My email: leydo@yahoo!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

ive learned
you have to wash EVERY WHERE!.
or you can use a douche!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its normal!. that part has a bad smell but when the time you are doing that its unnoticeableWww@Answer-Health@Com

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