What Happens If A Yest Infection Goes Untreated??!

Question: What Happens If A Yest Infection Goes Untreated!?!?
I am a Certified Medical Assistant

Most will go away on their own but the worst case scenario is that you will develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease which can make it difficult for you to conceiveWww@Answer-Health@Com

Yeast Infection
What is yeast infection!?
A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of naturally occurring yeast organisms in the genital area!. Women usually get yeast infections in the vaginal area!.Men can get a yeast infection on the penis!.

What causes yeast infection!?
Yeast infections are not usually sexually transmitted!. Although many women get a yeast infection without any noticeable cause, it can be triggered by anything that changes the natural balance of micro-organisms in the vagina, such as taking antibiotic medication!. People with certain diseases, including diabetes and HIV infection, are especially vulnerable to yeast infections!.

What are the symptoms of yeast infection!?
Symptoms may include itching, soreness, or a burning sensation in the vagina, and a thick, cottage-cheese-like discharge!. In men, itching and rash at the head of the penis is the most common symptom!.

How will I know if I have yeast infection!?
For women, your doctor or other health-care provider will collect a sample of fluid with a small swab from the vagina and have it tested at a laboratory!. For men, a yeast infection can usually be diagnosed by a simple visual exam!.

How is yeast infection treated!?
Medicated creams, vaginal suppositories, or pills taken by mouth can be used to cure a yeast infection!. Many of these treatments are available without a prescription at drugstores!. You should see a doctor if your yeast infection won't go away after you've taken a full course of medication, or if it keeps returning, as there may be other causes of your symptoms!.

What happens if yeast infection goes untreated!?
Discomfort and inconvenience are the worst problems associated with a yeast infection!.

Do sex partners have to be treated!?
In general, sex partners do not need to be treated unless they have symptoms!.

What if I'm pregnant!?
We don't know of any serious effects - on the mother or the baby - of a yeast infection during pregnancy, but you should tell your doctor that you're pregnant when you seek treatment for a yeast infection!.

A yeast infection is not usually sexually transmitted!. However, all pregnant women should be tested for diseases that ARE sexually transmitted (STDs), including HIV, as early as possible in pregnancy!. You should be tested again during your pregnancy if you or your partner engage in activities that increase your risk of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD)!. For example, you are at higher risk for STDs if you have a new sex partner during pregnancy, or if you have more than one partner!. If left untreated, STDs can be devastating for your baby!. To protect yourself and your baby against HIV and other STDs, use a latex condom whenever you have sex!.

How can I avoid yeast infection!?
Avoiding unnecessary antibiotic medication may help reduce the risk of a yeast infection!.

A yeast infection is generally not sexually transmitted!. You can reduce your risk of getting most other infections that ARE sexually transmitted, including HIV, by having sex only in a mutually monogamous relationship with a partner you are sure is not infected!. If you are having sex outside of such a relationship, you can reduce your risk of STDs by:

Always using a latex condom (or other type of latex barrier) whenever you have sex-vaginal, anal, or oral!. Condoms made of "natural" materials, such as lambskin, protect against pregnancy, but not against STDs!. If you are allergic to latex, you can use condoms made of polyurethane or other synthetic materials!.
Limiting the number of people you have sex with!. The more partners you have, the higher your risk!.
Avoiding alcohol and drugs when you have sex!. Drinking or getting high makes it much harder to remember to use condoms to protect yourself and othersWww@Answer-Health@Com

I had a freakin yeast infection for like a whole year!.!. I kept taking those Diflucan's because you supposedly only need to take one and the infection goes away but it never did!. I didn't know how to treat it until I finally decided I would take an over the counter cream!.!.!.it finally went away with no side effects of having it for a year!.!. Still talk to your doctor!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Why would you leave it go untreated!? You can call up your gyno and they will call a prescription into a pharmacy of your choice!. It's just one pill, and it's pretty small!.

Yeah, nice copy and paste job Rizvi!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

all kinds of things! You can get bacteria and fungus and you tubes can rot! Its nastyWww@Answer-Health@Com

You can always get an over the counter cream to treat it!. If that doesn't help see your doctor!. It could be an STD!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I make me gag just thinking about not treating it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

can be really bad and end up in more complications!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

spread even more til you cut something offWww@Answer-Health@Com

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