Breast Pains?!

Question: Breast Pains!?
Hey girls!.

Well every now and then I get a pain in one of my breasts, either one!.
I got it today for the first time in months!.
It isn't a bad pain or anything, I'm just wondering!.!.!.

Would it be growing pains!?
Age 13

Thanks in advance
xoxo TessWww@Answer-Health@Com

ugghhhh im experiencing the same thing as you but i just turned 14!. Most of the time its both though!.!. If it hurts, massage around your breast clockwise!.!. thats what my aunt told me and the pain lessens, suprisingly!.
Beauty is pain!? haha
thats one thing that follows the worst growing experience which is period!.!.
puberty is painful !.>~<!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

no dont worry about it the pain will be over soon!. this just means your body is changing!. and one of your breast will be bigger than the other but it wont be noticable, it happens to every girl!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes and periods!. when you get older sometimes one breast will swell bigger then the other one, thats just how it goes!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Could be!. Dont worry about it, maybe your gonna grow big boobs!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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