I have no idea how to put this but i gonna do my best?!

Question: I have no idea how to put this but i gonna do my best!?
if i could remember correctly the last time i had sex was on the first of june we didn't use a condom but he didn't well you know inside me i was supposed to start my period on the 13th but for some weird reason i got this brownish color discharge on my underwear and i thought i started my period this was today 6/8/08 i put a pad on and i haven't had any blood since i put it on but when i use the bathroom and i wipe myself i get the brownish color discharge

someone please tell me what this is so i can stop freaking out!.!!!!!!!!!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't agree with any of the other answers!. human life, an unborn baby!.
You have everything to worry about!. You had unprotected sex!. There is a very good chance you could be pregnant!. He does NOT have to ejaculate INSIDE you for you to get pregnant!. "Pulling out" is NOT a form of birth control!. Men have a pre-lubricant that you can see or feel coming from the penis!. This CONTAINS SPERM!.
You can ovulate at any time!. Yes, you USUALLY ovulate in the mid part of your cycle, but this is not true each and every time!. It's just USUALLY true!. Sperm can also live up to 5 days!.
ANY TIME you EVER have unprotected SEX you run the risk of getting pregnant each and every time!. You also run the rist of getting an STD!. ONE in FOUR girls in this country HAVE AN STD!.

If you're sure your period is due on the 13th, and it can be late, or early due to stress, buy a home pregnancy kit!. Some of them can even be used a day or two before you're period is even due!. The tests are now that sensitive for the HCG hormone and highly accurate!.

Please don't ever again have unprotected sex, if you're not already pregnant!. You are playing russian roullette with aWww@Answer-Health@Com

ok so there are 4 phases of the menstural cyle

and maybe you had sex when you were ovulating meaning thats the best time to get pregnant
so ovulation happens around the 13th 14th or 15th day of your 28 days of the whole menstrual cycle so unless the 1st of june was one of those days

so basically i dont think you need to worry cause u kinda started your period maybe you have just been more active or something this month give it a couple of days but idk
im not a expertWww@Answer-Health@Com

ok firstly are you on the pill!? If your are your period will come on the exact right time!.
If your not!.!. U should be using a condom, even tho they feel stupid!.
If you are under stress your period may also delay!.
ask yourself some of these questions!.!.!. If your period doesnt come soon you should get a pregnacy test to be on the safe side!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ashley, theres nothing to be worried about, the brown-ish discharge you get is old blood coming out!. Thus possibly leftover from a previous period or maybe he put to much pressure on you or possibly other things!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

its just a sign ur bout to starte ur period!. you havnt had ur period that long have you!? dont get so scared so easy!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

did you miss sex ed at school!? a guy still has some sperm in his pre-comeWww@Answer-Health@Com

are you on birth control!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

The brown discharge is your period!. The blood in your uterine lining changes color from bright red to dark brown!. Your flow was probably lighter this month than normal!.

The withdrawal method (the birth control method you and your partner used) is around 85% effective because there isn't a lot of viable [living] sperm in his pre-ejaculate!. (That's the stuff that comes out of his penis before he reaches orgasm!.) However, using a birth control method that relies entirely on your partner's ability to withdraw from your vagina when he really, really doesn't want to is not going to keep you from getting pregnant!. Use a condom and/or go on the birth control pill, and you won't have to worry about getting pregnant!.

Sweetie, here's the thing that worries me - you sound REALLY young, and you used the phrase, "but he didn't well you know inside me!." If you're not comfortable saying words like 'ejaculate,' I'm not sure you're ready to have sex just yet!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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