OH MY GOSH HELP ME!! best answer= 10 POINTS?!

Question: OH MY GOSH HELP ME!! best answer= 10 POINTS!?
ok so you may have read my question earlier about how i used the rong size tampon!. so i decided to leave it for a while!. so like 30 minutes ago it was about time and i was going to take it out and put in a new normal size one!. but i didn't take the old one out but accidently put the new one in cause i'm super tired(it felt weird but i thought it was just cause i'm new at using tamps)!. so when i realized what i did i was going to take the new one out but the string broke!. so then i tried to get it out with my fingers but just pushed up father so now i can't see either!.what do i do!?!?!?!?!?

i thought it would be impossibl to insert to but i looked it up and others have don it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey hunny, yes I responded to the other question!. Seems like you are having quite an evening! Now as for this problem, it is a serious thing to leave two in for a long period of time!. It must be removed!. If your mom isnt home and you have no way to get to a doctor I would suggest doing whatever it takes to get it out!. The good news is your vagina will NOT allow it to go father up than you can reach!. There is literally a wall-like top of the vagina protecting it from going any farther in!. Personally, i would just stick my finger in as far as I could!. I promise you that you will feel it eventually!. Find the string, and pull!. Otherwise you're going to have to go to he ER!. So just realx and go as far as you can!. Good luck hun!. Keep us updated let us know how it goesWww@Answer-Health@Com

It's OK!
Just lie down on your bed and "push" a bit, or squat down low and try to Push w/ your vaginal muscles!.
Just use your fingers again, and go deeper!.
Squatting should "shorten" your vagina and make it easier to find them and pull them out!.
Honestly, I did this before and didn't realize it for over a day that I had another one up there!. Very gross and weird to think about but it happens!.!.!.!. and I was fine!.
Keep trying, you'll get it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There is nowhere for the tampon to go so you should be able to grab onto them and pull them out, just do one at a time and relax because if you are tense your vagina will be tense!.!. If you are too "tired" to figure out how to use tampons, it might be best to switch to pads!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stay relaxed! Get into a position that is comfortable for you and gentle feel around for one of them to grab onto!. Make sure your hands are clean first as you dont want to get any infections in that area!.

If your finding it hard to relax try doing something like having a bath as you might feel more comfortable trying to get them out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

u need to let ur mom know when she gets home!. dont freak out because it cant go into ur uterus it can only stay in the vaginal region!. but make sure ur mom knows as soon as she gets home=she needs to know because if it stays in too long u can get tss(toxic shock syndrome) but thats only if it has been in more than 6-8 hrs!. good luckWww@Answer-Health@Com

this is very serious!
if you cannot get it
out then go to the E!.R
ASAP! because you can
get sick from this!. Tell your
mom or someone to take you
to the hospital now!Www@Answer-Health@Com

oh im sorry!. that must be panicking but remain calm and dont try to fish it out!. i think itll disolve some parts so then you should try then or wait ill your mom gets homeWww@Answer-Health@Com

Thats okay i had the same problem kinda!.!.!. I forgot i even had one in and was having sex haha!.!.!. there it went up up and away lol but i still had the string

ummm tweezers LOL !?!?!? if not !.!.!. family doctor lolWww@Answer-Health@Com

if its bothering u!.!.!.call ur mom!.!.!.!.!.if nt!.!.!.try to mayb relax and breath thru the pain as u try to pull it out again!.!.!.
good luck girlWww@Answer-Health@Com


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