UTI? Can't take antibiotics! Help!?!

Question: UTI!? Can't take antibiotics! Help!!?
I think I'm getting a UTI!. I can't get antibiotics, as I've just gotten over an intestinal infection that was caused by having NO good intestinal flora as a result of taking antibiotics last summer!.

Basically if I take any antibiotics, I'll get sicker!. Even if I were to ask my doctor he'd not want me to go on them!.

Since it feels like it's just starting (slight burning when I pee), I'm drinking lots and lots of water to try and flush it out!.

Anything else I can do!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should let your doctor know anyway!. You don't want this kind of infection to get out of control!. But, as long as you think you're just getting a UTI verses actually having one, go to a natural food store and get some supplements!. Try crandophilus (it's lactobacillus acidophilus + cranberry, if they don't have it, just get the L!. acidophilus), natural un-sweetened cranberry juice (it sucks, but make sure it's sugar free or don't get it!), A multivitamin daily (containing the antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, the B-complex vitamins and trace minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc and selenium) omega 3 fatty acids, and IP-6 (Inositol hexophosphonate)!. Drink a lot of water, eat antioxidant foods like blueberries, strawberries, & tomatoes, eat plenty of vegetables, lean meats/fish, & use olive oil instead of vegetable oil!. Avoid sugars,sweeteners, refined foods like white bread/pasta, wheat/gluten, trans-fatty acids like cookies, & crackers, processed foods, red meat, caffeine, & alcohol!. Basically, just eat whole natual foods!. Exercise is really good too!. Oh, and since you lack intestinal flora try L-glutamine (the L!. acidophilus will help with that too)!. Good Luck!

Don't drink cran-apple/grape juice or anything like that as suggested above!. It has to much sugar, and defeats the purpose!. There is not enough actual cranberry in there to help anyway, even if you drank gallons of it a day!. Stick to tons of water like you're doing, and un-sweetened cranberry juice from the health food store!. If the juice to gross, then just get cranberry supplements!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Take cranberry pills!. Also eat a lot of yogurt (it helps get rid of the bacteria in your bladder that cause the UTI)!. Drink cranberry juice, or you can do cran-grape, cran-raspberry, cran-apple, etc!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Cranberry juice and lots of it!. Try cranapple!. Also make sure to wipe really well, keep it clean!.

Keep drinking fluids and ask your doctor if there's anything else you can take for it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

cranberry juice, and probiotics!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Fluids clear lots if doesn't help go to a UrologistWww@Answer-Health@Com


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