At what age do you girls start shaving your pubes?!

Question: please tell.

Answers: please tell.

If I'm not seeing anyone I just trim.
Otherwise I still don't shave.
I get a brazillian wax.

you dont have to...

at 17 or 18, you could trim it out

Whenever it's extremely bushy. I wouldn't shave it if your under 15 though. Cause theres a chance of cutting yourself and not doing it right which causes razor burn.

WOW! This is really personal but I just trim

i started when i was 13 cause my boyfriend wanted me to. but i didnt ever want to. so i guess you dont even habve to

I didn't start shaving until I was 16. After I became sexually active. If you arent have sex then you can hold off on shaving, you can keep it trimmed up with scissors or a beard cutter (just don't tell dad or your brother.) Best advice I have wait until you know for sure that you want to be sexually active before you go through the trouble of shaving.

it's not an age thing but rather a personal preference

whenever they hit puberty
it mostly depends on the girl though
...a bit strange that you wanted to know...

It depends on what age you start getting them. You don't need to shave them at all if you don't want to. Don't do it just because everyone else is doing it.

There is really no reason that you wouuld need to shave there unless your older (and married...?) and you wont feel comfortable to have sex with a haary you know what ahahaha

i still dont and why do you want to know?

I tried it right when i started on my legs (5th grade.) But I found that it was really itchy and I would end up having to itch it in public, which was really embarrassing. So I stopped, and when I was 13 started up again because sexual encounters became frequent for many girls at my school and I decided to be prepared. I leave a little bit and trim that.

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