Can my birth control deter a home pregnancy test?!

Question: My stomach has gotten so big and it looks like I'm about 3 or 4 months pregnanet. I've been taking Ortho Tricyclen for about 4 years and have always been consistant with it. Because I was so big, I took a home pregnancy test. It came out negative but the question was in my mind. Can my birth control prevent a home pregnancy test's accuracy?

Answers: My stomach has gotten so big and it looks like I'm about 3 or 4 months pregnanet. I've been taking Ortho Tricyclen for about 4 years and have always been consistant with it. Because I was so big, I took a home pregnancy test. It came out negative but the question was in my mind. Can my birth control prevent a home pregnancy test's accuracy?


Pregnancy tests work by measuring a specific pregnancy-related hormone

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