Question: hey! my tummy hurts REALLT bad what are some things that i could do to sooth it or help it feel a little better? HELP

Answers: hey! my tummy hurts REALLT bad what are some things that i could do to sooth it or help it feel a little better? HELP

Pill's. Heating pad. Warm cloth.

your having a baby...congrats....

drink some warm gingerale....and take a tum, rolaid,or pepto bismol


if you have a heating pad, use it. if not, take a wash cloth and get it wet with HOT water. and take advil.

sprite or 7 up! not too much though... but something like that always helps me!

good luck!

did you try Advil or Tylenol?????

what kind of pain is it?? if it feels like there's a knife going through your body on the LEFT side... that's BAD!!! :] that happened to me b/c my appendix was about to pop... so i had to get a surgery to take it out! whew!! ohh and other symptoms of appendices is if it feels better to lay down rather than sitting or standing

hope you feel better!


During acute phase, mix a teaspoon in one glass of water and drink every two hours

Take acidophilus with meals one teaspoon (liquid) or two to three capsules

Apple cider vinegar:
One teaspoon of vinegar and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water

Grapefruit seed extract:
Liquid form, use five drops in a glass of water.

Lemon juice:
Freshly squeezed lemon juice, drink two to three times a day

Either red or white, about 6 oz a day, it has antibacterial effects

Other suggestions
Administer a warm water enema for a week.

Apply dry friction and sponge application daily.

Apply hot compress or hot water bottle application twice daily on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after each meal.

Avoid doing strenuous physical work. Also, avoid getting mental and emotional stress.

i have pains very frequently due to ulcers..

the best thing to take is Mylanta, if you lay down and curl up into the fetal position it takes some of the pressure off your stomach and intestines and can actually make the pain go hurts at first though.

my stomach hurts so much it makes my lower back sore. These two things i mentioned help alot though.

Drink some root beer and suck on a peppermint, they will soothe your stomach.....also take some pepto and try to go to the bathroom to relieve some of the pressure in your stomach

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