MS or Fibromyalgia, anyone know, symptoms listed any advice would be great?!

Question: K, things have been getting worse, started out with little muscle spasms that really hurt, my neck is always tender a) in the past two months I went from having migraines from once or twice a week to five times a week, my feet are now curling up on me and I can't go to sleep and I have to stand on them and use my body weight to get them to straighten out, I don't have the muscle strength anymore to pick my son up, yesterday sitting on the couch went to stand, my legs were slightly numb and prickly, then the this morning my legs almost gave out on me and I almost fell what could this be please help and there have been continued tiredness, I am going to see a neurologist in a week for the migraines, wondering if anyone else has been through this and what suggestion I could take to the nuerologist in what this might be, I went on webmd and they mention fibromyalgia and ms and stuff like that does anyone have an idea

Answers: K, things have been getting worse, started out with little muscle spasms that really hurt, my neck is always tender a) in the past two months I went from having migraines from once or twice a week to five times a week, my feet are now curling up on me and I can't go to sleep and I have to stand on them and use my body weight to get them to straighten out, I don't have the muscle strength anymore to pick my son up, yesterday sitting on the couch went to stand, my legs were slightly numb and prickly, then the this morning my legs almost gave out on me and I almost fell what could this be please help and there have been continued tiredness, I am going to see a neurologist in a week for the migraines, wondering if anyone else has been through this and what suggestion I could take to the nuerologist in what this might be, I went on webmd and they mention fibromyalgia and ms and stuff like that does anyone have an idea

The neurologist is your best bet. There are too many different conditions with these symptoms to try to figure it out yourself.

I have these symptoms. My diagnosis turned out to be chronic myofascial pain, something that many folks with fibromyalgia have in addition to their fibro.

Some advice: When this first hit me, back in 1994, I drove myself crazy imagining worst case scenarios. I was terrified that I had some fatal disease because my health had been perfect up till that point. Don't torture yourself with "what ifs." Just go get it checked out.

It sounds like it may even be rheumatoid arthritis. That causes some of those conditions.. I'm sorry to hear about your conditions, and I hope the doctor finds out what is the problem, and can give you something to help.

I don't think it's fibromyalgia, that does make all your muscles hurt but I don't think it would make your legs numb and prickly. Keep that doctor's appointment and good luck.

If its nerve pain or MS then the neuroligist is the person to see, however if your having your having muscular and skeletal pain.a Rheumatoligsist is the branch of medicine to persue!

I have Fibro but don't have issues with the numb and prickly feelings, and it doesn't seem to be one of the top symptoms. A Neuroligist shouldn't diagnosis fibro anyways its not their speciality. It sounds like you should ask him for a referal to a Rheumatoligist, who could diagnosis the fibro, different types of arthritis, or muscular skeletal pain. You may end up getting good info from the neuro guy, but ask him for a referral to a Rheumatoligist too their treatments may compliment eachother. In diagnosing my fibro I went to every doctor under the sun, but the rheumatoligist figured my situation out.

Whatever it is good luck to you, I know what its like to live with pain.

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