Why after sex I ALWAYS get a yeast infection?!

Question: I noticed everytime I have sex, with a latex condom I get a yeast infection...I noticed this happens with my present boyfriend and my past boyfriend. I had sex before without a condom and did not get one. I have been tested, so I no that's not the case. Could I be allergic to the latex condom? Should I try lamb skin instead? and how can I prevent this in the future?
Help!! Tired of dealing with this issue EVERY time!

Answers: I noticed everytime I have sex, with a latex condom I get a yeast infection...I noticed this happens with my present boyfriend and my past boyfriend. I had sex before without a condom and did not get one. I have been tested, so I no that's not the case. Could I be allergic to the latex condom? Should I try lamb skin instead? and how can I prevent this in the future?
Help!! Tired of dealing with this issue EVERY time!

Talk to your doctor about this. you probably have chronic yeast meaning that it is not going away completely. sex does tend to aggravate the situation. Also if you are self-diagnosing and using over the counter meds you may not have a yeast infection. Instead you might have a bacterial infection (similar symptoms) and you will need prescription meds to get rid of it. Also if OTC meds aren't helping the doctor can prescribe stronger yeast medicine. Another thing is that chronic yeast infections can be a symptom of other health problems in women. When I was in my 20s I had chronic yeast for a year and a half. Every month I would go through or 3 courses of yeast meds. I saw 3 doctors that were useless. Finally I found a GYN that told me about yeast being a sign of other things. She was the first to test me for things like diabetes, HIV, lupus, etc. All were negative. What ended up happening was I went off birth control pills and it went away. It turned out that it was a side effect of the pills I was on. see your doctor and talk about it. It is probably something very simple but it's worth it to clear it up. You don't want to suffer when you don't have to. Good luck.

lol im allergic to latex.
its possible

Latex wouldn't cause a yeast infection per that other users reply. If you are having sex with the same partner, your partner is infecting you. If you have multiple sex partners, you are "still" getting it from them. Look at the link below. This is no coincidence that you are catching it from your partner(s). Yeast infections do *not* just happen when you have sex with a partner who is not infected.

You are definitly having an reaction to the condoms, try the lamb skin or try an condom that is not lubricated (it could be the lubrication that is irritating you) and use an natural lubricant that is fragrance free and all natural. Aslo try bathing in epsom salt after sex to prevent future infections Good Luck that acid in the espsom salt will balace your goods after sex

yes its possible to get a yeast infection or allergic reaction from using latex condoms if you're allergic to latex or the spermicide on the condom which it can alter the pH in your vagina so a yeast infection may accompany. Check the name of the spermicide and try one with a different one to see if the spermicide is the prob

ur allergic
see a doctor

There's a test you can buy to find out if it's a yeast infection. Sounds more like Latex allergy. This is a serious allergy which can get worse with age and exposure. You should have the doctor test you for latex allergy (without wearing latex gloves, of course).

If it's really a yeast infection, it's not being caused by the condoms. I think you should talk this over with your doctor. If it's happening EVERY time, a doctor can help you figure out what is wrong and how to treat it. If you are not fully over a prior infection, it's very possible that you and he are just passing it back and forth.

If you think your problem is caused by the condoms, (it's possible that you are allergic to latex, sometimes the allergic reaction from latex in that area can mimic a yeast infection) try switching to a latex free brand. Be sure that that any current infections are cleared up before you have sex again.

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