Can stress affect your period?!

Question: I'm 12 havent gotten it yet but I'm always stressed out about SO MANY THINGS. Is this causing my period to come late??

Answers: I'm 12 havent gotten it yet but I'm always stressed out about SO MANY THINGS. Is this causing my period to come late??

LOL well stress does affect periods. I would be willing to be yours hasnt come for a different reason... YOUR 12!!
Thats not late yet! Heck, youve got a few more years before it is 'late'. Some women dont get it until they are like 18!

The only reason you should be concerned is if you have an eating disorder (anorexia or bulemia can create serious problems for the body, and stop development of some of your organs, leading to a lack of periods). If you are extremely EXTREMELY under weight, that could cause an issue as well.

However, 12 is not, I repeat NOT late for anyone. Heck, just be glad you arent having to deal with them yet, they arent that great. ;p

probably not in your situation, but after having your period for a while stress can effect it.
you shouild just wait

Yes, stress can cause a delay, but you're still within a very normal range. I didn't start mine until I was 13. Many girls don't start until 16. I would ask my doctor about it if I hadn't started by 16, but that is still quite awhile for you.

Absolutely...well I know for sure it can once you've started already. I'm assuming this can happen for your first one as well. The idea is that your body doesn't want you to conceive if you are under extreme stress. (That being said, YES you can still get pregnant when you are stressed.)

BUT don't worry about it so much! You're not too late for starting your period. You shouldn't worry until 17 or 18 :)

No, if you are not over 100 pounds it is not likely you will have your period until you are over 100 pounds. You don't want your period anyway, trust me!

you dont want to start it is horrible if that is true stress as long as you can

No, I don't think so. It does not cause it to happen late. You see I have friend who had her period late too... So don't need to stress out!

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