So what's the best diet pill I can get from my doc ,need to drop 60lbs?!

Question: please serious answers only

Answers: please serious answers only

my doc gave me xneical, this helped me lose punds. I had to lose half a stone before she gave them to me to show i can lose weight. THey take the fat out of the food you eat and it comes out in you bolwl movment. There is also reductil but the sise effects can be fatal so docs dont like to give that out.

None! All those pills just clog your fat cells. You wont drop anything with pills. Just get yourself closer to grave. So check out them nutrition means they show all over the TV. Its basically like lean cousine where you just eat those meals who are in low calories, healthy and still keep you strong and on your feet all day.

I'm being serious, you shouldn't rely on pills to lose 60 pounds maybe like 5-10 pounds but this isn't healthy, Lose it with excersice and health eating.

Diet pills that work are not that safe.

You need to eat less. Maybe your metabolism is slower then most people. It is what it is (though you can speed it up by building muscle mass). If you are overweight, you are eating more food then _your_ metabolism requires. What other people eat doesn't matter. You are eating more then you need.

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