Ingrown hairs?!

Question: Well, see, I can see ingrown hair under my skin, but I can't get rid of them, can someone tell me how?

Answers: Well, see, I can see ingrown hair under my skin, but I can't get rid of them, can someone tell me how?

I had the same issue. I just used tweezers to dig them out. The skin is very thin when you can see them, so it's not too hard. Just make sure you get the root, otherwise it just seems to keep recurring.

try using tweezers

you may be able to pop a bit of the hair out with a fine needle and then tweezer it out - but you will make a hole.

I use a pair of those tweezers with the really pointy ends and just poke under my skin, under the hair, lift it out and pull it out.

I had an issue with what I thought was an ingrown hair so I went to my doctor to have them check it out and remove it. I would recommend seeing your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they say.

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