
Question: this is my first time i feel sort of weird asking mymom so
can someone tell wen an average person gets her period after another?

Answers: this is my first time i feel sort of weird asking mymom so
can someone tell wen an average person gets her period after another?

Don't feel weird about asking your mom anything about this, she has been through all of it too and is a female as we are, she understands. You can keep a calender in your room and mark it down every time you start. They should be about 28 days apart, but yours will be irregular, I am sure for awhile since this was your first, but that way you will always know when to expect it when you are straightened out.===

your period wont come at regular intervals for about a year or so, but a good guess is around 28 days. jjust be prepared all the time so it doesnt catch u by surprise

Your period comes every 28-32 days each month . Because you just started, you may have irregular periods where you skip a month, don't worry it's perfectly normal unless you are sexually active which means if you skip a period or so you coud be pregnant but if your not then having irregular periods is very normal, i have irregular periods as i only got my period a year ago when i was 13. They regulate after 2 years.
You will get a white discharge 10 days before your period starts for the month, that's what happens to me. Make sure to carry around pad's or tampons when you think it may start.
Maybe just try telling your mum, so she can buy things for you.
Good Luck :)

i think the average is 28-32 days but dont worry if its more or less i have a 40 day cycle.

keep an emergency kit with u wherever u go just in case.

hope i helped

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