Personal Question- Women only please?!

Question: How old were you when you got your period for the first time? Im 13 and I still havent gotten mine that normal?

Answers: How old were you when you got your period for the first time? Im 13 and I still havent gotten mine that normal?

Naah, that's normal. I'm 13 and I got mine just like a week after I had my birthday (In October).
If you're skinny or really into sports or something it's likely that you won't get it as early as some people, because I'm pretty sure you have to have a certain percent of body fat or something to get it.
Just wait it out, good luck, and I can assure you that, after a little while, you'll be totally over the whole concept of a period.

thats fine
i got mine on november 15 2007 and i was fourteen

I was 13 and my sister was 17. You are completely normal.

Yes, that's totally normal, you can start anywhere from eight to 16. Everyones different!

I was 12. But everyone is so different. I had friends who didn't start until 16 even. You are fine.

periods come when they want to. I was 14 when I got mine. My best friend didn't get hers til she was 16. Truthfully, you'll get it sooner or later. If not by 15 or so...go to the doctor.

i got mine when i was about 13 but i had friends who were 16 and they still didn"t get their period everyone gets it at their own time

I first got mine when i was 11, but i was an early developer. Don't worry you can start as early as 8 or as late as 17. Everyone's different!

I was 12. Everyone's different. There's no cause for concern until you are 17 or 18.

girl don't rush it, it is not something that you want! i was 13 when i got mine. it sucks beware!

Thats fine. I got mine at age 11. But everyone is different. Don't worry! It will come soon enough. Good luck!

I was 12 but it heredity.. most girls get there period around the same time there mother got theres..... I have a friend that didn't get hers until she was 18 but she was heavily into sports.

i was 12 bu ti know my friend didnt get hers until grade 11... its best to not worry about it all..and enjoy the few years you might still have without it....everyone gets theirs at different problem at all!

I just got mine for the first time this month and i am 15
You shouldn't worry until you are 16 anyway
and trust DONT want it!!!!!!!!Pretty annoying

I got mine on my 14th birthday! Probably da worst birthday I have ever had. You're probably just a late bloomer.If you sed you were aged 16 then that would be worrying.
Dont me periods are a pain in the neck so you're actually lucky.
Good Luck

I was 11 early bloomer! Be thankful! it will come in time!

16 sweetie! It is very normal. If you are concerned talk to your mom to see when she got hers, or ask her to take you to the dr. A gyno should be able to check and make sure everything is developing properly.

mine came when i was 12. it was so embarassing then as my school uniform skirt was pure white and my first one came during class. then my friends told me the there's red color on my skirt..eeeww..

I got mine when I was 10, my sister was 14, my cousin was 16, my daughter 12. Everyone is different and yes you are normal.

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